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Pandemic CoVID-19 daily claim thousands of lives, but according to experts, the peak incidence still has not come. In some countries the situation is already quite heavy intensive care wards are full infected with the novel coronavirus, and artificial lung ventilation (ALV) was not enough. Recall that in the case of severe disease, lung membranes filled with fluid, causing difficult breathing, and in some cases leads to death from suffocation. At the time of this writing, the largest number of cases of SARS-CoV-2 is registered in the United States. Given all of the above, the company Tesla Elon musk announced the development of the ventilator parts from Model 3. Tell how the engineers did it.
The Situation with the spread of the novel coronavirus in the United States is out of control. Reasons why the country has the most infected CoVID-19 a few, but most journalists from leading publications, including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, and others, believes that the country's leaders initially underestimated the danger of coronavirus. Whatever it was, the President of the United States of America Donald trump earlier said that the country came in first place in the number of cases of coronavirus due to the mass testing of citizens. It is not excluded that the rights and trump and his critics. However, regardless of the reasons, the situation in the country – and mainly in new York – heavy.
As elsewhere in the world, the hardest thing we have to doctors and nurses. Due to the large influx of patients, hospitals in new York are overcrowded and people are right in the corridors. When the medical staff lacks the means of individual protection – as medical center in Minnesota does not exclude the imminent closure, as the hospital staff is not enough protective masks. It is important to understand that this situation has been observed in hospitals throughout the country. However, the lack of personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses not the only problem.
At the time of this writing, the number of infected by the coronavirus in the United States more than any other country in the world
So, 323 hospitals across the country in the period from 23 to 27 March reported on the serious shortage of tests for coronavirus and medical ventilators. Let me remind you that the ventilator helps as the lungs this task can not cope. Connecting to the ventilator saves lives in serious condition. The lack of ventilation in Italy has led to the fact that doctors had to decide who among the patients would live and who is not. Read more about how to operate ventilators .
In a new video posted on the Tesla engineers demonstrate two versions of the ventilator: a prototype model of the device with the components laid out on the table, and the finished model that shows how a unit can look when used in the hospital. In March, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has promised to make the ventilator after new York mayor bill De Blasio appealed for help to the company.
Once the General public became aware of the fact that the ventilator will be made from spare parts, Tesla Model 3, the company was criticized for trying to invent new devices, and not use an existing design, but in the video engineers explain:
We want to use the details that you do know. We know that they are reliable and that they are sufficient for production.
In General, for the creation of the ventilator engineers Tesla pereprofilirovanie several components of cars. Theoretically, this should help to accelerate the development and production of vehicles.
Engineer Tesla presents a prototype of a ventilator, a frame from video
In Addition to the in-house design fans, Musk said that also buys FDA approval of the devices and sends them to the hospital. Initially, the head of Tesla, SpaceX has faced a wave of criticism over tweets that the panic about the pandemic CoVID-19 is stupid. Obviously, the first time entrepreneur . However, despite criticism of the company's engineers the Mask is hard at work on the development of the ventilator which will help save thousands of lives. Moreover, judging by the published videos, work on IVL has successfully promoted.
It is Noteworthy that not only is Tesla going to provide the hospital with the ventilator. As British companies are combining their resources to develop their own designs of the ventilator. So, one of the most well-known manufacturers is a company, Dyson, which has received an order for 10,000 fans from the British government.
Also on plans for the production of apparatuses for artificial ventilation of the lungs and other vital equipment said companies such as Ford and . So, Tim Cookannounced the production of protective screens for doctors all over the world. And that's very good news, as the coronavirus enters the body including mucous membranes of the eyes, so the doctors and the entire medical staff needs not only protective masks. Read more about how the company intends to fight the pandemic coronavirus read
the Company Elon musk unveiled a prototype of the ventilator based on the Tesla Model 3
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