Sweden has not imposed quarantine due to a pandemic. Than it threatens?


2020-04-06 01:20:20




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Sweden has not imposed quarantine due to a pandemic. Than it threatens? Source:

Russia's only the second week rules apply universal isolation. And this is not done in all cities. But judging by the streets, it started to get tired of it. If in the first days, even through the window was almost no one in sight, and the number of cars in the yard almost did not decrease in the afternoon, now the situation has changed. People began to play with the kids, sit on the benches and just wander the streets for 2-4 people. In General, it was expected, but the government has no plans to introduce more fines and stop it. What if I tell you that in Europe, where overall doing worse than us, there is a city (not one) in which you have not entered any restrictions and people cope. Why is this happening?

the Situation with coronavirus in Sweden

This city is the capital of Sweden — Stockholm. And behind it stretches the entire country, which is almost not concerned about the pandemic, and even continues to hold sporting events. Work and shopping centers, and cafes, and schools, and other public places. Just apply a little more security. Chief of which is human prudence.

Strict quarantine or isolation of residents is not possible. The people themselves do not mind and even welcome this. However, many work from home, but they were not fired, as in other European countries, China and Russia, and just said they can do that. Those who made a choice in favor of this option, working out of the office. I have not found information that there is a mandatory rule about wearing masks or other protection. It turns out, all is allowed to drift and the citizens decide how to be. This format can be face serious consequences.

Not to mention that in Sweden the virus detected in one third of the nursing homes. This high percentage, given that for the elderly .

At the moment of infection and has a little more than 300 dead. It is even more than the statistics for Russia (5 389 cases of infection and 45 deaths), but quarantine measures are still not introduced. Looking at the example of Italy, Spain and the USA, where the situation quickly got out of control, many countries began to impose restrictions in identifying the first cases COVID-19. And someone didn't wait and had previously limited contact with dangerous regions.

Why in some countries, coronavirus dying less

In this case, to say that Russia is a very large percentage of cases is not fixed, is not correct. Yes, the questions arise when you see that in Italy dies ten percent of cases, only one of us. But there are countries in which this statistic is even lower. For example, Israel (0,51%), Norway (0.89 percent), Australia (0,47%), and many others. Statistics depends on many factors.

the situation in the world now looks like. The redder, the more cases.

There is also an element of statistics as the method of calculation. In some countries sick people are only those, and others — even those who are on a regular (sometimes home) treatment. All this greatly distorts the picture as the number of deaths that can be taken into account by different methods. For example, to count the dead from COVID-19 only those who have developed the disease because of the virus, but do not count those whom the virus has led to the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Not to mention that every day in countries such as France and Germany for a variety of reasons kills about 3,000 people. Coronavirus kills in a day even 1000-1500 people. That is, the increase in deaths per day is 30-50 percent. Still just the flu? Well, well…

How to cope with the coronavirus without isolation

Imperial College London was one of those institutions which explicitly stated that the lack of insulation in the UK will lead to 250,000 deaths. The Swedes do not accept this logic and actively try to adhere to the opposite theory. Such confidence in back makes you wonder. The Swedes like something you know what the whole world knows. They were always alone in Europe, and here again.

The Main inspirer of inclusiveness is the main epidemiologist of the country Anders Tegnell. He even eclipsed politicians and constantly holds press conference statements. People support him and actively encouraged him to transfer power in decision-making on countermeasures COVID-19. On the other hand, who should know better than not to him, because he is the chief epidemiologist of the country. Now it was his time and he must decide. He decides that people like, but it looks weird.

One of the features of the approach of Agnello and his team is the failure to treat all in a row. They believe that intensive care should apply only to people in very serious condition. Others can be treated in separate wards or even at home. According to their reports, hospital Stockholm will not come more than 250 people who need intensive therapy. From day to day in the city should open a temporary intensive care unit for 600 places. Given this, if the forecast of Agnella will be correct, will be occupied by no more than a quarter of beds. Based on these numbers, the introduction of additional measures is required. But where is the guarantee that next month will be worse?

There is a risk that the situation gets out of control . This leads to the fact that the medical system simply can not cope. The approach is bold, it canwork, but it is very risky. Although, by Agnella you can admire due to the fact that he was not afraid to take on such an unpopular decision. If his plan will lead to failure, it will be very sweet. But, if this works, you can easily recognize his genius. Where it was easier to just close the city and then even in the case of a large number of deaths, he would safely say I did everything I could. It is strange that people are willing to risk their career and citizens of their country.

something Small that a microscope is not always visible, keeps at Bay the whole world.

It Works or not, we will know very soon, and while the Swedish physicians gather large amounts of information and constantly keep a finger on the pulse. Swedish doctors published the most detailed reports. From these reports we can learn that the average age of the cases — 60 years. There are data on chronic diseases. For example, of all cases, 24 per cent have diabetes. There are two types of statistics. One include people who died directly from the coronavirus and its complications. The second considers all the dead people, if they had coronavirus (even if he didn't become the immediate cause of death). The difference in these two types of counting is a three-time.

How to save money during a pandemic coronavirus

Few for whom is no secret that the economy is experiencing not the best times (if not more). Here the inability to agree on oil production and subsequent sinking of the world economy, Koray comes in waves, and the consequences of the isolation of entire countries. Of course, it struck the inhabitants of many States that could not work and even lose their jobs. For example, in the UK every sixth business is on the brink of ruin. In the end, people lose their jobs, and those who usually worked at home, just can't find her.

From this point of view, the financial system still the same in Sweden, once again, must thank your epidemiologist. Because of the fact that the country is, in fact, operating normally, its economy was the only one in Europe, which is almost not affected. Perhaps it is only so long.

People work, learn, spend money on events, though sitting a little further from each other, and just lead their way of life. Some have moved to work or training from home, but people not so much. For example, among students it is only one sixth of. As a result, Sweden, which is good living, will rise against the background of other countries of Europe and the world, including and Russia. Again, if the wave incidence will not cover her head. Many people think that it is very likely.

in Order to quickly stop the epidemic, tens of thousands of doctors working seven days a week.

Who is to blame for the spread of the epidemic

In Sweden is very developed transparency, perhaps even more than in the rest of the world. You can almost ”googling” the salary of his neighbor. Residents are very proud of this and actively use.

That is why Tegnell, if wrong, will literally exploded in smithereens. In the first place, the public who will know almost everything. He has already stated that he is ready to take responsibility in case of failure. Despite calls until it is too late to go on a worldwide trip, Tegnell adamant.

On the other hand, the lack of stability in the economy, too spoils of life, and sometimes takes them. There is still the question that will be less evil to lose a couple of thousand people dead or to tens of thousands of poor, among which will increase the suicide rate and in the end the people will die too.

Which path was the correct one, we will know very soon, literally within a couple of weeks or months. But while Stockholm is the only capital of Europe, which lives almost a normal life. The people support this and circulate posters with the text ”All power to Agnello”.

whether to close the city during a pandemic coronavirus

Of Course, now everyone can put forward their theory about this, but to make decisions, when at stake are thousands of lives, is difficult. Therefore, a reinsured and .

The Example of China, which is not growing in the number of cases showed that insulation is a great method of dealing with the epidemic. The problem is that it is very expensive. But it excluded the main link for transmission — communication. It leads to the fact that people infect each other with high speed.


This is Especially true in Asian countries where a high population density. They have the Swedish approach is unlikely to be triggered.

Russia's most a good way, I think, is isolation. Yes, this is a very big blow to the economy, but the only way to get the person to be more closed off from everyone. Although, also not all it acts.

Closing the city into quarantine, to combat the epidemic much faster. Or not?

At least, such measures will reduce the burden on medical institutions. Unlike many countries, we decided to go to the hospital for any reason, but that's not true everywhere. For example, here is how the experience of living in Finland the owner of the site is Mikhail Korolev.

In my personal experience, in the Scandinavian countries, the way people approach initially diseases other thanRussia. I encountered this personally when I lived 5 years in Finland. In this country, not sell medicines from the word at all (in Europe, almost everywhere), you can buy your own antibiotics, strong painkillers or something stronger than aspirin with vitamin C. Pharmacies are most cosmetic stores and there is a special window where prescription you will be given the coveted medicine.

Through this approach, people do not put yourself diagnosed and do not self-medicate. But how did they come to this? Just. According to the laws of the country to call a doctor only if you have really high temperature, not 37 or 38 or if you have, sorry, something fell off. If you call an ambulance not for a good reason, you will receive a fine. Of course, when you call an ambulance, you should describe what happened, lying or exaggerating at all = fine.

Visits to the hospitals similarly, you call and write to the therapist. Unlike Russia, where you can sign up to any specialist. In Finland, the therapist decides what to do with you and whether you need to go to some doctor.

If you are bad, you can come to the hospital and to go to the emergency room, you will meet the therapist and decide do you have enough aspirin or need another specialist.

So the medical system is not experiencing unnecessary stress, people don't shove themselves with unnecessary medication, not to put yourself diagnoses at home and do not go to specialists unnecessarily.

The Reverse side, if you really have trouble, you fly a helicopter, I personally saw multiple times when the medical helicopter arrived to people who had a heart attack on the street.

The money Saved go to the development of medicine, of course. And people got used to it and do not attack the medical establishment, and sit at home quietly.

And for those like me who came from Russia, where for each Chihuahua and the doctor, and antibiotics, like any disease, the Finns have a recipe — drink water and stay home. And you know, it really works, for 5 years I, my wife or child never drank antibiotics. Although Russia did it often — or on the advice of friends, or on the advice of doctors.

Michael Korolev. Owner

If we do not impose strict measures, cities can not cope with the flow of patients. The reason and the imperfection of the health system, and the approach of people, and the lack of staff, lack of discipline, and many other factors. It seems to me that in our reality, the actions taken were good and the Swedish scenario, we wouldn't have worked. Most importantly, the economy has withstood.

Well, who is right in fact, time will tell. Moreover, according to experts in October should come in the second wave of the pandemic. Usually they always come in two parts. But by the time the virus could mutate into a less dangerous (not to kill the host, and to live and breed in it for a long time), and a large number of survivors and the survivors can stop its spread. It is believed that if 80 percent of people develop immunity, the epidemic can not be.

One thing is for sure. Despite the relatively low mortality, to say that it's just the flu, not worth it. It is transmitted much faster and carried heavier even for those who survived. Therefore, to fight for the life you have. That's just which path to choose?.. The answer is no.

About WildAid combating coronavirus in Sweden.


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