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the girl's Face after surgery
For several weeks foreign publications are full of news about that in the US the girl was born with two mouths. The main is in its place, and the second formed in the chin area and even grew some teeth and the beginnings of language. Beginning in 1900 there were only 35 such cases. As a rule, children from such a deviation for some time after birth to die. But this girl was lucky because she was born in the age of technology. When she turned six months, surgeons have successfully removed a second mouth, and now the kid feels great. This is a very rare medical case, so let's see how the doctors found the deviation and had surgery. Also consider some similar medical cases.
According to the pregnancy of the mother of famous girls were normal. However, during one of the sessions, ultrasound in the 28th week of pregnancy, doctors noticed the lower jaw of the fetus tumor. Initially it was suggested that on the face of the child the tumor, but with confidence it is possible to tell only after birth. Waiting until the baby is born, doctors were surprised to find that on the bottom right jaw girls raised additional mouth.
reconstruction of the skull girls made on the computer. Note on jaw
The Depth of the oral cavity was approximately 13 inches, she was surrounded by the lips, and inside was found suitable for growth of teeth tissue and the beginnings of language. Roth singled out the saliva, but was not associated with the esophagus and do not interfere with eating and breathing. The girl ate normally and gained weight, but the doctors had her under constant surveillance. They noticed that during feeding the child is his second language and moves them in the same way as the main one.
on the second mouth looked like this
When she turned six months, she decided to have surgery — surgeons was clearly a plan to remove the second mouth. They drilled the lower jaw of the patient and removed the bone from which teeth grow a second mouth. They also cut the extra lip and a second language. The operation was a success but without consequences, was not. First, the location of the second mouth leave a scar. Secondly, the surgeons obviously hurt the muscles and nerves, because now the girl could not move his right lower lip. Otherwise she remained completely healthy.
The Phenomenon that was recorded at girls, called diprotodon or craniofacial duplication. It is usually found in the Siamese twins — siblings who are forced to share one body for two. Normally Siamese twins joined in the pelvic region, but in the case of diprosopus they have one head that has two faces — an eerie sight.
In 2014, craniofacial duplication have been recorded in Australia from a local resident Renee young girls were born with one head for two. Sisters, which gave the names of hope and faith, in addition to the head are one body with one set of internal organs and General limbs. But each of them has its own entity and separate brains. To see pictures of the parents and the unusual sisters can be on , but be aware that what he saw may shock you.
Fortunately, the American girls are having a mild form of diprosopus. It is believed that this phenomenon occurs in the formation of twins when the mother's egg splits in two and makes . But sometimes the egg is split too late, by about 14-15 days after fertilization — at this time already begin to form cells and the fruit can not completely separate from each other. In consequence of this defect are born children who share one body for two.
If you have free time, I recommend to watch . There are two conjoined brother's rock band.
The tiny residents of the United States because of an error increased only an additional Roth who managed to safely remove. In the medical literature, the doctors were able to find only a couple of such cases. The first was recorded in 1948 — a newborn boy was also discovered additional mouth with moving tongue. In 1978 was found by 22-year-old man, additional the mouth of which formed in the temple.
Doctors noted that usually diprose occurs in female children. However, this is likely just a coincidence. For a century there were only three dozen such cases, therefore, to say that this deviation is typical for girls wrong. In order to make more accurate conclusions, such cases are very few. And, you know, the way statistics are not changed and all will be well.
People may have all kinds of deviation. In 2019 I was talking about the disease known as odontoma. It had resulted in a person's mouth tumor, inside which grows a lot of extra teeth. If you're wondering whatthis, I suggest reading the material on the boy, mouth which . This story also ended well — the boy was operated on and he's perfectly healthy.
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