Russian scientists used ultrasound to remove a cancerous tumor


2017-10-04 15:30:05




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Russian scientists used ultrasound to remove a cancerous tumor Source:

The Question of surgical removal of tumors at the last time is particularly acute because, according to statistics, the number of identified cancer cases is steadily increasing. And this, in turn, means that it is necessary to develop new, more efficient ways of dealing with this dangerous disease. And recently, scientists from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great (SPbSPU), has developed a device, which removes the tumor at all without surgical intervention.

A prototype has already been tested, and he was using ultrasonic waves capable to detect and remove the tumor without a single incision. New device planned to be used as a tool to combat tumors of the breast, thyroid, kidney and liver. As told in an interview with RIA «news» head of the laboratory «Medical ultrasound equipment» SPbSPU Alexander Berkovich,

"a non-invasive method avoids surgical scars and postoperative complications. The device determines the tumor using a diagnostic scanner, then a special power transducer emits focused ultrasound, destroying it's growth".

As a rule, similar devices operate under the control of MRI, which makes the procedure much more expensive. As stated by Mr. Berkowitz, the uniqueness of the new domestic apparatus is the application of ultrasound simultaneously in three capacities: diagnostic, therapeutic and thermometric.

"These technologies are based on ultrasound in one device yet no one uses it. French developers combine diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, but the cost of the complex when it exceeds the price of the Russian."

Experts of Spbpu in cooperation with the Novosibirsk instrument-making plant plans to produce and release apparatus for treatment and diagnosis of cancer market in 2019.


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