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In nature, hamsters live for about 4 years.
In the twentieth century, the ordinary hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) crowds ran through the steppes of Europe and Russia, being considered as agricultural pests. They were as different as rats and squirrels — it seemed that they would never face extinction. But the humanity with his love for tools against pests and deforestation, with subsequent construction of high-rise buildings bright, able to harm even these tiny creatures. The international Union for conservation of nature (IUCN) all of a sudden we're hamsters in the list of animals on the verge of extinction. It turned out that because of the hindsight people over the past two decades they have started to give a little offspring and almost never occur in some regions of our planet. So do hamsters have become as rare animals like black rhinos?
About the risk of the disappearance of the hamsters from the face of our planet was told to . These rodents inhabit Eurasia and are found even in the steppes of Russia. Their body length is up to 34 centimeters and they have 8-inch long tail with short hair. Soft wool hamsters painted in a reddish color, which obviously helps them to camouflage against the background of steppe vegetation. Day hamsters hiding in burrows and in the twilight for eating vegetable and sometimes with the aim of hunting for insects and even mice. Sometimes they make their way into storage with grains, therefore they are attributed to pests.
Hamsters eat peas, rice, millet, buckwheat, and even potatoes
Recently, researchers from the IUCN assessed the population status of hamsters from all over the world. It was found that in the course of a couple of decades, they became so small that you can have a conservation status of "verge of extinction" (CR). Still these rodents belonged to the animal that causes the least apprehension.
Security status IUCN:
the"Extinct in the wild" (EW); the
"in a state close to threatening" (NT)
"Causing least concern" (LC); the
According to the researchers, hamsters changed their status very sharply. In addition, the status of the CR also has black rhinos (Diceros bicornis). At the moment there are only about 5000 rhinos of this species. But that means that the hamsters also have a few thousand. The fact that researchers from IUCN give security status not only on the basis of the number of individuals in nature. In the calculations, they also take into account the risks of extinction.
One of the subspecies of the Western black Rhino of Africa officially extinct
A reason to believe that hamsters are threatened with extinction, a lot. One of the main reasons for the reduction in their population is the changes that occur in the field of agriculture. To protect agricultural crops from pests, farmers are increasingly using toxic substances in organisms of all rodents, hamsters are not included in the exceptions list. Well as the number of hamsters could affect climate change and light pollution. It is believed that can affect the sleep of many animals and cause their death.
To save the hamsters from extinction, the researchers want to closely study, in which regions of our planet, they became less likely. Then they will remove the animals from the territories in which they thrive, and transported to the affected areas. Activities are already under way in certain countries like Germany and France.
In the study, scientists found and other animals that were on the verge of extinction. For example, is completely extinct at risk of so-called baleen whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Once upon a time their population has increased due to the ban of whaling. However, in recent years these creatures die, colliding with ships and becoming entangled in the networks. At the moment in the world there are only about 250 of the baleen whales.
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