During a pandemic, workers in the factories were replaced by robots


2020-07-09 02:20:08




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During a pandemic, workers in the factories were replaced by robots Source:

In the factories of Toyota robot appears, who will not allow errors in the Assembly of motor vehicles

In the production of smartphones, cars and other equipment it is important that each item has been strictly in place. It doesn't matter who assembles design — mistakes can make both humans and industrial robots. Therefore, in every factory should be a person or even a group of people who control all production processes and quickly detect problems. Typically, these experts come to the factories from other regions, but in the period of the pandemic coronavirus to travel to other cities, they can not — many borders are closed, and in General, it is very risky. Instead, they now are special robots, which know how to look every detail of the device and where it should be. If robots-collectors or ordinary workers make a mistake, robot controllers are sounding the alarm. Think this scheme works fine — so the robots will take another profession?

Defective parts

About how manufacturers use robots to test the quality of their products, told reporters . Today, many smartphones are well protected against moisture and, in most cases, they should be thanking the British company P2i. It produces a water-repellent coating for electronics, and its employees are sent to the manufacturing plants and monitor the implementation of moisture protection. However,, the company had to stop sending their employees on business trips. Instead of real people quality control deals with the system of cameras with artificial intelligence.

the Company is developing a P2i coating that protects smartphones from water

So what? Researchers from different countries have long been trying to create a technology that can self-detect errors in production and not waiting for help from people. In one of the materials I already told you how the American scientists from Ohio state found a way to quickly printed on a 3D printer. For defect detection, they used sound waves and this method gave excellent results. And you imagine how much you can increase the accuracy of detection of problems if you use artificial intelligence? Because at the moment the computers can even recognize human emotions, so that the detection of defective parts they do not have any problems.

Industrial robots with AI

Probably, the representatives of the company P2i is already aware of the abilities of artificial intelligence. To monitor the quality of implementation of a water-repellent coating to the devices of partners, it uses the system presented by the company Instrumental. The technology was developed by former Apple employees and consists of several cameras, which transmit information to the computer. Artificial intelligence knows in advance exactly how should established a protective coating P2i, therefore, if you encounter the error, immediately sounded the alarm.

looks like a system for detecting defects from Instrumental

Robots for quality control will soon appear even in the factories of Toyota, which produces . If you make a mistake in the production of transport, you can't just say "well, Yes, the car was defective". Incorrect installation of any component the entire plant at risk to stop work. Therefore, the employees will carefully check every detail by a special notation on their surface and independently oversee their proper installation. But soon this work will deal with the robots provided by the company Elementary Robotics.

this robot will be installed in the factories of Toyota to check the right details are used in the production of cars

The Main element these robots is also is camera. It is located on the structure in the form of the letter "N" and able from different angles to inspect every object that is placed on a special platform. Embedded in a system of artificial intelligence recognizes the details, and then production a line of people and robots positions them in the desired parts of the cars. It is believed that in this way the number of errors in production will be minimized.

The Most interesting that system with cameras and artificial intelligence are not as expensive than you may think. According to General Director of the company Over Zoom Benejama Arye (Arye Barnehama), such technologies cost about $ 1000. Teaching artificial intelligence to recognize the details takes much time and effort — this can deal with any work. And Yes, the company Over Zoom also engaged in the development of such robots, but they are designed to check the quality of the packages and put on their labels.

It Seems that the pandemic coronavirus really affects our lives. Now many people who are at least 6 hours a day stuck in the office, used to work at home. Workers who frequently travelled totrip, now replaced by robots. What's next? Time will tell, but for now I recommend reading an article by the founder Hi-News.ru Mikhail Korolev about .


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