How to solve the problem of overpopulation of the Earth?


2020-05-03 17:00:14




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How to solve the problem of overpopulation of the Earth? Source:

The company, which many of us know, incredibly young when you consider how much time went into creating it. Throughout our history we have struggled for survival and suffered numerous disasters, which are one of the reasons why all religious texts preach the birth of children. This makes sense – until we have evolved, it was important to maintain the population. But now we are faced with the opposite problem: the crisis of overpopulation. In fact, overpopulation is a very interesting topic, because for the first time in the history of our species, the survival of humanity depends on the ability to inhibit the propagation, not increase it. But is there a way to solve this problem?

Why is the overpopulation of the Earth is a bad thing?

It is Important to understand that overpopulation of any species will have a devastating impact on the environment.The same applies to people. As families continue to have three or more children, the population continues to grow. Overpopulation has far-reaching consequences – ironically, the more people on Earth, the closer we come to final extinction. In this article you will learn why we all have faced this problem and what its solutions offer scientists from .


Environmental impact

The Most obvious effect of overpopulation is the damage we do to the environment. The more people on the planet, the more resources we use and the more space we need. When we use more resources and space, suffering wildlife. Everyone somehow contributes to global pollution, even if we consider only food and transport. Food and water are the two other environmental problems in the discussion of overpopulation. Many people today , and the increase in population means that the need to feed more and more people. We are destroying the natural habitats of animals for agricultural land. If the population continues to grow, we will not have any natural resources.

Everyone leaves behind a footprint


the Growth of poverty

The more people there are in a country, the less jobs available for its citizens. Meanwhile, demand for housing will rise and supply to decline. The cost of living will increase both the level of unemployment and homelessness. When this happens, dramatically increase crime, as many simply see no other way out of the situation. The cost of products will also increase, and services health care almost does not exist for those who can not pay for them.


International conflicts

The growth of the population of some countries will adapt better than others. When food and water become the most valuable commodities, conflict is inevitable. No matter how generous you think you are. Making a decision about how to feed your family or to give food to your neighbor, most people prefer to feed a family. The country will become more isolated, and conflicts begin to escalate.

the solution to the problem of overpopulation in access to education

How to solve the problem with the overpopulation of the planet

The Good news is, the future is not entirely bleak, because there are steps that can be taken to limit the growth of the world population. Here are some of the ways that scientists think helps fight overpopulation.


Sex education

Sex education is the most effective strategy to reduce the number of teenage and unwanted pregnancies. The more children know about safe sex, the less likely an unplanned pregnancy at an early age. In the end, in the Internet era, we can't protect children from information. They will find it themselves, like adults tried.


Access to contraception

Worldwide there is a lot of unplanned pregnancies, as women and men simply do not have access to contraception. Birth control is extremely difficult to realize in some countries, combined with the lack of sex education is very often the result is an unplanned pregnancy. But even when contraception is available, not everyone can afford them. One solution to the problem may be the introduction of a system in which people could get contraception for free or at a substantial discount.

ladies, don't forget – if you don't want to have children – it is absolutely fine


Access to education

Sex education is of paramount importance, but it goes hand in hand with General education. The relationship between education and lower fertility rates is particularly evident among women, as evidenced by the statistics of both developed and developing countries. Education opens women a lot of opportunities and the realization that children can just not start if you don't want. The level of reproductive violence in many developing countries is prohibitive.

For Example, in Russia, millions of women become mothers just because “so accepted”, and the parents, the state and society is often required. The situation is that the poorest people in the world have the most children. Access to education can change that.

Education and information

Informing people about the crisis of overpopulation is one of the most simple and relatively cheap solutions to the problem of overpopulation. We must begin to talk about what schools to make sex education compulsory discipline. Even if someone wanted a big family, he may change his mind, after all, the more people will decide to have one or two children instead of three or four, in the future we will be in a much better position. The presence of a large family has many advantages, but, unfortunately, it is environmentally irresponsible. Many researchers agree that overpopulation is one of the biggest threats facing humanity and this problem cannot be ignored. Of course, if we want a brighter future for their children and grandchildren.

Today the planet has about eight billion people.


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