Because of the pandemic of coronavirus in the world has increased the number of suicides


2020-04-30 21:40:11




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Because of the pandemic of coronavirus in the world has increased the number of suicides Source:

In troubled times, many people take desperate decisions. In a new report, published in April , expresses concern about the potential increase in the number of suicides due to economic crisis, social isolation, medical problems and other factors associated with the pandemic CоVID-19. Moreover, experts worldwide warned that ahead of us «a much deeper and long curve» because of the psychological impacts of the pandemic become more apparent. The experience of previous disasters shows that at least 20% of the population at risk. However, in the past, the suicide rate is sometimes reduced when the people were gathered together.

Second Great Depression

In early April, the world media headlines were filled with reports that the world face second “Great Depression”. According to economists, the world's largest economy, has faced a recession, and the continuation of quarantine measures only exacerbates the situation. When the incidence of coronavirus will decline, many will need psychiatric help. It is important to understand that the reason lies not only in the immediate aftermath CoVID-19, but also in the social and economic consequences that are expected over the next year or two will lead to a deterioration of mental health of the population.

Writes , in March, the national service crisis support Lifeline Australia received almost 90 000 calls, which is 25% higher than the same period last year. Moreover, half psychological associations in the country reported increased demand for their services, which, in General, consistent .

the Queue for financial assistance from the state, California

Writes , Emily Owen, 19-year-old British woman, probably the youngest suicide victim of the pandemic. She didn't have a diagnosis or any symptoms CoVID-19. Rather, the announcement of the impending quarantine and isolation overwhelmed her.

The Relationship between isolation and suffering is beautifully illustrated in the masterpiece of albert Camus «Plague». A fictional story by Camus about the outbreak of bubonic plague in Oran now has an uncanny resemblance with reality: the city gates were closed, imposed quarantine, the citizens are isolated from each other. He aptly compares the plight of residents in prison: «they were sentenced for an unknown crime to an indeterminate sentence». Uncertainty about how long these measures brought Oranav, as we feel helpless in planning for the future.

Particularly at risk are the elderly. After the outbreak of SARS in 2003, there was a surge of suicides among the elderly that may be a harbinger of future events. The elderly are sensitive to loneliness and isolation, they need strong social support, especially in difficult times. Reduction of contacts and self-isolation disrupts normal social life and a feeling of worthlessness.

the Economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has left many without a job

Just one day two employees – Daniel Trazzi, 34-year-old nurse from Italy to the British nurse at the age of 20 years committed suicide. Both were deeply traumatized by the horrors experienced on the front lines of the war with the virus. The world looks on the paramedics, nurses and doctors as support, but compassion fatigue – emotional burnout from taking care of patients with a grim prognosis – predominant among health care workers. Currently, doctors are called upon to make difficult ethical decisions about allocation of resources and the shortage of the ventilator on their shoulders rests the choice between those who of the patients to give a chance and who does not. you can find out why 88% of patients on a ventilator in the USA die.

Even when the epidemic is brought under control and measures of isolation be abolished, the economic crisis will cause growth of unemployment and poverty. The experience of the past, to the years of the great Depression in the U.S. suicide rate rose to a record 21.9 cases per 100,000 people in 1932. Thus, while attention is focused on the treatment of patients with CoVID-19, people who are at risk, go unnoticed.

What can I do?

Experts are convinced of the need for programs in the field of mental health focused on educating the public and health professionals about how best to cope with the huge pressure and anxiety. This can help to minimize the psychosocial losses in times of crisis. Moreover, already need programs designed to help cope with the effects of the pandemic. Today, we must care for each other more than ever.

We are with you happened to live in a time of great upheaval.


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