Temperature on Earth today higher than 6500 years ago


2020-07-07 18:20:10




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Temperature on Earth today higher than 6500 years ago Source:

the time has Come to realize something – the old world will be gone.

Recently on the Siberian city of Verkhoyansk, temperatures set a record for the Arctic region and has caused serious concern of meteorologists all over the world. Confirmation of the hydrometeorological center of Russia that on June 20 the temperature in Verkhoyansk reached +37ºC came that same day was published the results of a comprehensive study, according to which the current temperature of the Earth is the warmest in at least the last 12,000 years. Even more alarming is the fact that in ten days after was installed this record, the heat still has not abated.

Heat in Siberia and the Arctic

Record heat in some parts of Siberia in may, was so prominent that it has reached five standard deviations from the norm. In other words, if hypothetically you could live in this region for 100,000 years, then statistically speaking, to experience such an extreme growth period temperatures would have only once – today. As CBS News, despite the fact that researchers are concerned about the recent heat, the most concerns are its durability: from December 2019, the temperature in Western Siberia at an average of almost 12ºC above the average (1981-2010 years) is, to put it mildly, unusual. But why such a long and unusual heat?

Researchers believe that human-induced climate change plays a significant role in increasing the intensity of heat-waves on the planet. Simply put, increasing average temperatures, extremely hot days become even hotter and noticeable. In the Arctic this impact is amplified due to the loss of snow and ice that normally reflect the sunlight back into space. Reducing the amount of ice means more dark soil will absorb more light, causing the warming. The longer the warming, the more it feeds itself, increasing heat wave.

it looks like the Siberian town of Verkhoyansk now

The Arctic has heated for decades, much faster than the rest of the globe, as regularly spoke to experts and written in the press. But just a few days ago Gavin Schmidt, Director of the space research Institute of the name Goddard NASA corrected this by providing that the speed of warming in the Arctic is actually three times higher.

planet in the fire

The Recent heat is not limited to Siberia and the Arctic. So, in 2020 three cities of South Florida in the United States, including Miami, beat the record temperature for 121 years. In Central Canada, the temperature along the coast of Hudson Bay peaked in the 90-ies, and in Norway because of the unusual heat that lasted up to 80 years, people skiing and snowboarding in bathing suits. Unfortunately, none of this for the climate scientists, who for several decades sounding the alarm about the effects of global warming.

In the study, a team of scientists working on the project (Past Global Changes) analyzed data covering thousands of years of our planet. The group has engaged in extremely grueling recovery process a 12,000-year-old temperature record, which ended in 1950. In the period before the advent of modern thermometers the researchers relied on different temperature estimation, based on the fact that scientists call indirect records — «keys» such as fossils, buried in sediments, for example, shells and pollen, which show what were the climatic conditions in the ancient past.

looks like the climate change we are losing Articu

The Results that the warm 200-year period until 1950 has been observed for about 6500 years ago, when the global surface temperature was about 16ºC above, which is the average for the 19th century. the Starting with this high level 6,500 years ago, the globe is constantly cooled. But things have drastically changed over the past 150 years when people have reversed thousands of years of cooling, which raised global temperatures. Thus, the researchers came to the conclusion that the Earth is currently warmer than 6500 years ago. Moreover, one might even conclude that today the temperature of the planet warmer than it was before the ice age, about 120,000 years ago.

However, the study's lead author, Dr. Darrell Kaufman, a specialist in paleoclimate data from the Northern Arizona University, believes this data is accurate enough to say for sure. Anyway, a new study gives even more evidence of how quickly humanity is changing the Earth's climate. With each new study, we understand that the current warming may be unprecedented, at least since the last interglacial period, more than a hundred thousand years ago.


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