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Despite the hot summer, the possibility of Contracting coronavirus nikudane gone
Summer, sun, walks, picnics – it seems that all is back to normal. The streets are again filled with people, and restrictions are gradually removed. However, according to the Director of the European office of the world health organization (who) Hans Kluge, in 11 countries there was a sharp increase in the incidence of Covid-19. In Russia, according to experts, the second wave of the coronavirus will come in two weeks, and the risk of spread will increase, if you do not follow precautions. Moreover, according to a recent study, asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus spreading on all surfaces.
Of Course, all of us are tired of the restrictions imposed due to pandemic Covid-19. However, there is something, what nobody should forget is a new coronavirus Sars-Cov-2, as protective masks, gloves and sanitizer with us for a long time. At least until then, until they invent a vaccine and will not produce the necessary multimillion-dollar scale. Read more about the international race for a vaccine, you can read
At the time of this writing, according to the website of Johns Hopkins University, the number of infected Covid-19 in the world almost reached the 10 000 000 people. however, recently specialists of the Center for disease control in USA (CDC) expressed the view that States the actual number infected could be much higher than the official data and 20 000 000. But how is that possible?
A New study published in the journal , was conducted after the who epidemiologists have suggested that asymptomatic carriers Covid-19 rarely spread the virus. As writes there are many reasons why some people have no symptoms Covid-19. For example, a person could receive a low dose of the virus during infection, which is quite likely, because people pay more attention to hygiene.
the Rise in the incidence of coronavirus has been observed in many Russian regions, the Minister of health of Michael Murashko.
In the study, scientists took more than 100 samples of air and surfaces of the six wards, in which there were 13 patients with confirmed coronavirus, two patients symptoms Covid-19 did not profilelist. Samples were taken from the floor, mattresses, door handles, switches, sinks, toilets, and sinks, bedside tables, sheets and pillows. of 112 samples 44 were infected with SARS-CoV-2. none of the air samples were not contaminated.
In total, the house of one asymptomatic patient was contaminated four surfaces – bed, pillow, sheet and duct. The results of the study showed that asymptomatic carriers of the novel coronavirus can be dangerous for those with whom they are in close contact. The researchers therefore believe that asymptomatic patients , but not at home.
who is concerned about the situation in the former Soviet republics, the Balkans and Sweden
However, the study has some limitations. First, the researchers did not report whether the detected viral particles are viable. Previous studies have shown that on some surfaces the virus is rapidly destroyed or viable just a few hours. Secondly, the method that the team used for testing of coronavirus, often shows a false positive result. But despite the above mentioned restrictions you must comply with all the precautions suggested by authors of scientific work. This is especially true of those who knows or suspects that came in contact with the infected Sars-Cov-2 people.
Let me Remind you that the most important precautions are: limiting contact with other people; the use of protective masks in public places, especially public transportation, pharmacies and stores; thorough hand washing; keeping social distance. In General, the obtained results showed that despite hand washing and careful disinfection, the virus is everywhere. the Work also recalls that of asymptomatic carriers Covid-19 able to carry and spread the virus as well as infected with pronounced symptoms. This is a serious point to be borne in mind.
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