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The Most common method of determining the concentration of substances in the body for the day is a blood test. It not only allows you to learn the content of vitamins, hormone levels and other indicators of human health, but can also help diagnose diseases and dangerous viruses. However, this method is invasive, i.e., requires direct penetration into the body, and not at all often have the opportunity to take a blood test. People with diabetes, for example, for this reason, you have to carry around a portable device that can determine the sugar content in the blood. Over the past few years, scientists have started to create wearable sensors that allow to take a blood test to determine the concentration of one substance. One of these was recently presented by the researchers from USA and Switzerland.
The Scientists were able to develop a device which can measure the levels of vitamin C in the body of man, without direct penetration into the skin. How? They made a sensor that can determine the content of this vitamin in on the sweat! It allows you to without a blood test to monitor the level of this substance and thus maintain it within acceptable limits.
To implement this idea, the researchers put on one of the electrodes of the sensor a special enzyme, whereby the molecules of vitamin C, which fall on the sensor, react with oxygen. The sensor measures the change in current, which occurs due to the fact that when the concentration of vitamin C of the oxygen is consumed for oxidation. In other words, the device works not by vitamin C, but with the change in current that occurs due to this reaction. However, this indicator infers the content of a substance in the body.
in Addition to the sensor, the device uses electrodes
The Device is specially designed so that in contact with the skin to cause swelling — or to measure it simply will not work. For example, if you wear a sensor in winter, you do not sweat, and vitamin content will not be computed. However, the sensor is designed so that even small particles of sweat is enough to determine the level of substances in the human body.
To test the functionality of the device, the researchers conducted additional studies calculated the level of vitamin C in an invasive way — the indicators turned out the same. Also, volunteers who wore the device on hand before taking tablets with vitamin C and prior to use orange juice which high content of this substance. The experiments showed that the changes of indications of the sensor is fairly well correlated with the intake of vitamin C.
the Device works by oxidation reaction
Why bother to track the content of such substances in the body? Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble antioxidant. In humans it is required for collagen synthesis.
If a person has low levels of vitamin C, it can be further problems not only with blood vessels, but also spots on the skin and weak bones. Therefore, if the doctors know about it, they are asked to periodically donate blood to monitor the content of the substance.
The Regular use of vitamin a rich foods helps the human body to protect against scurvy (a disease that occurs when lack of vitamin C). Boosting the immune system, develops resistance to pathogens infection and cleanses the body from harmful, contributing to inflammation.
For this you must consume foods rich in vitamin C — for example , orange and lemon. The fruit of the antioxidant vitamin C, providing 154% of the daily norm of consumption of this essential vitamin. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, promotes the body immunity to pathogens. Fresh strawberries are also an excellent source of vitamin C. 100 grams of this fruit contains 58.8 milligrams of this vitamin, which is 98% of the recommended daily allowance.
In the future, method, outdoor, American and Swiss doctors, can help to determine the concentration of many substances in the human body no blood. The main thing is to find the right catalyst — which starts a chemical reaction, and the device will thus be able to measure the content of a substance.
part of the device for measuring the level of vitamin C with sweat.
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