Now - 15:36:38
Scientists from the human media Lab at Queen's University have created a prototype touchscreen device that is neither smartphone nor tablet, but has features of both. Device MagicScroll ("magical scroll") created under the impression of the elder scrolls (papyrus, paper or parchment) and has a rolled cylindrical form factor with flexible 7.5-inch touchscreen housed in the enclosure.
New form-factor that managed to make with the use of 3D printing means that you can use your device like an old Rolodex (remember this?) to quickly switch contacts on the screen by turning the physical wheel built into the edge device. (One such on each end).
Then when you need more information or deeper the dive, the user can rotate the screen to expand the display display. Flexible screen prototype has a resolution of 2K. Thus, at this stage it will be a mobile phone of middle class, not an iPhone with Retina, of course.
theScientists also believe that the form factor of the scroll offers a pleasant ergonomic option for making actual phone calls, because lap can fit snugly on the face.
Although they recognize that the prototype is quite large at this stage, it is pleasant to hold in your hand, remembering the massive mobile phones of the 1980-ies. Like the classic Motorola Dynatac 8000X in 1984.
Despite the bulkiness of the prototype, the team claims that the cylindrical flexible form factor has its pluses: it is easier to hold with one hand than any iPad. And if it collapse, he off in his pocket (though).
They also believe that this device can be for dictation or instructions, not only as a voice phone. In the prototype integrated camera that allows you to control the device using gestures similar to sign the Nintendo Wiimote.
Also to rotary wheels added robotic actuators so that the screen could be rotated independently if necessary.
"We were inspired by the design of the elder scrolls, because their shape provides a more natural continuous representation of the long visual schedules," says Roel Vertegaal, Professor of human-computer interaction and Director of the laboratory.
"Another source of inspiration was the old Rolodex system, which were used for storing and viewing contact cards. Scroll MagicScroll allows you to rotate endlessly scroll and view long lists. Expand scroll, you will get a complete picture of the selected object. Can you fast Chronicles in Instagram, messages, or contacts in LinkedIn that way."
"In the end, we hope to develop a device that will be able to curl up in something small, like pens that can be put in the breast pocket," he adds. "More broadly, the project MagicScroll also allows us to additionally explore the notion that "screens may not be flat" and "screen can be anything." Whether it's a Cup with an interactive screen or display on clothing, we study how objects can be applications."
The Team made a video showing the prototype in action (below) and submit it to the MobileHCI conference in Barcelona next month.
While any mobile device that resembles a MagicScroll still not even close to large-scale production and commercialization is not necessary, it is worth noting that Samsung is working on a smartphone with a folding screen for several years. And maybe will release a working product in the next year. Or will not be released.
But whether the definition of "convertible" Samsung something similar to the flexible and collapsible prototype MagicScroll? Unlikely. Clamshell design — when two flat screen are disclosed to form a one — seems much more appropriate. Don't forget that the form factor of the clamshell have to withstand daily use.
Also seems unlikely that users would welcome such prototypes in mass. Complex (and thus unusable) device, most likely, will get a small list of niche applications, but that's it.
Or does it? Tell us why you need such a scroll in our
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