#video | Nintendo revealed what will be her first amusement Park


2017-06-08 23:00:04




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#video | Nintendo revealed what will be her first amusement Park Source:

That the Japanese manufacturer of gaming consoles and video games is going to build your first amusement Park in cooperation with Universal has become known in 2015. The project was called the Super Nintendo World, and the first to try out the Park will be able to residents of the Country of the rising sun. If the idea is shot, the Japanese reflect on to open similar parks in other countries. Date of delivery of the Park is scheduled for 2020, but already now it is possible the corner of his eye to see what this place looked like thanks to the posted official video.

From a short teaser video it is clear that the Park Super Nintendo World will superficially resemble the universe of Super Mario, which is not surprising, because the famous mustachioed plumber with Italian roots is the mascot of the Japanese company. Park visitors will be able to see various animatronic dolls depicting inhabitants of video games about Mario, visit locations from the games, such as Bowser's castle or the castle of Princess Peach, and to go on different rides (which we have not yet been shown). It is not clear, will affect whether the theme Park other companies but I think that in the near future we will know the answer to this question.


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