Review game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


2017-05-04 21:00:12




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Review game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Source:

Racing video games are different. There is, for example, professional driving simulators like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, where every second computed hundreds of physical parameters, and each existing track is played in the game with photorealistic precision. But there are also insanely addicting and fun arcade, because not all gamers like the pretentious seriousness of the above mentioned racing game. Mario Kart just refers to the latter. This series of games by Nintendo, debuted in 1992, quickly gained cult status and spawned, in fact, a separate sub-genre of racing games. Today I will tell you about the new game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe console .

The First game of the series Mario Kart Super with the subtitle appeared on the 16-bit console, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. Broke an impressive run of 9 000 000 cartridges, the game became a sensation and won the hearts of even those people who earlier racing games were not interested in principle. The game concept was very simple: the eight characters of various popular Nintendo games, including Mario, Donkey Kong, Luigi and Bowser, participated in the karting championship, fighting for the first place. Innovation games were scattered on routes bonuses, giving the participants different benefits on the tracks and allowing it to interfere with their rivals to get ahead. For example, you could throw in ahead of you, the rider tortoise shell, forcing it for a while to stop. Or you could throw on the track skin from a banana, with which the opponent has lost control.

This simple and intuitive system is an integral part of the game series Mario Kart to this day. Since 1992, of course, the game mechanics have acquired new features and nuances, but in every new game still feel the breath of the original that made the series so popular in its time. Nintendo with enormous respect for its classic franchises, so very carefully, with feeling, plainly and emphatically brings in the new part of Mario Kart something new. Because you can inadvertently break the formula of his "perfect game" and losing the love of millions of fans. And such surprises to the management of the Japanese company does not need.

The Original game Mario Kart 8 debuted in 2014 on the Nintendo Wii U. Despite the weak sales of the platform (to date, the world has sold about 14 million consoles), the game has sold more than 8 000 000 copies, which once again underlined its iconic status among gamers. For the first time in franchise history the developers have provided us with anti-gravity sections of tracks where you can drive on walls and even the ceiling. In addition, holders collectible figurines Amiibo could use them to get unique costumes for their Mii avatars. When the leadership of the Japanese company realized that Nintendo Wii U can not be saved, it was decided to port the game to a new platform – Nintendo Switch. The game received the subtitle of Deluxe and promised to please fans of extremely nice innovations and some new content, making the races even more exciting. On sale Mario Kart 8 Deluxe arrived on April 28 2017 and, no surprise, instantly became a hit. For the first day only in the US, it sold about 450,000 copies of the game. In one day! Only in the USA! For a console that came out a few months ago! You can imagine the scale of popularity of the series?

What the new offers us the Deluxe version of game of 2014? First, you can now play Mario Kart 8 anytime and anywhere, which personally I think is a huge advantage of the reissue over the original. Nintendo console Switch you can use, sticking in the dock connected to the TV, but you can remove it and take with you to travel, study or work. For example, I often take the console for a visit and even get into a bar to meet his friends. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is quite popular both among children and among adults. When connecting to a TV you can play a foursome with your buddies on a split screen, but remember that for this you will need an extra pair of controllers Joy-SOPs. Two complete controllers will be enough to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with a friend or family member. And this can be done anywhere, even if you don't have a TV, because in desktop mode the console screen is divided in half easily. If someone you know has your Nintendo console Switch, you can merge them via wireless local network, even without the near you available Wi-Fi network. And that, my friends, is a total delight – always have on hand a great party game. In portable and desktop mode, the game runs up to three hours on a single battery charge, that is really impressive.

Another innovation is that the game is chock-stuffed with content. The main pride of the series Mario Kart has always been considered a wonderfully detailed race track. In a Deluxe re-release these tracks as much as 48 pieces and each is a real masterpiece of game design. This is not a dull gray circular tracks of Forza Motorsport, here each track is a whole new world, obey their rules. Tracks like live your own life, they are constantly changing and moving. On one you face the tram movement, for the other earthquakes, which part of the road under you can just fall into the abyss. On one of the tracks you will roll giant stone balls, just like in the movies about Indiana Jones, and the other you run the risk of being eaten by a huge carnivorous plants. But the danger is not all that can boast of the tracks in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Dozens of hidden ways to cut corners, a huge number of secret areas and alternative routes, multi-tiered tracks, and, of course, already proven the anti-gravity sections when you are at a huge speed rush on the ceiling or wall. All this despite the 25-year-old age series, Mario Kart feels so original that you come to the sincere delight of the children.

Initially the game 2014 the developers have included 32 tracks, 16 of which were completely original. The remaining 16 tracks were remakes of popular tracks from previous games in the series, redrawn and animated from scratch using advanced graphics technology. Then they were joined by another 16 tracks released as DLC for an additional fee. However, in the game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe all 48 tracks were originally included, so spending money you don't have to. That, however, does not exclude the output in the future paid kits with additional content (who of game publishers in their right mind would refuse such a temptation to earn extra money?). I am glad also that all the tracks in the game are unlocked immediately, so you do not have to undergo regime "Grand Prix" in order to get access to their favorite tracks. And in the game there is a mode "Mirror", when it passed the tracks are flipped around the vertical axis. Believe me, to undergo the usual tracks like this are very unusual. Like open it for yourself again.

By the way, about the game modes. Everything here is quite familiar and understandable. "Grand Prix" will offer you to complete 12 races at 4 tracks for victory in each of which you will be able to get a stellar Cup. Mode "On time" will allow you to pass the track at speed and set new records. At any time you can set the mode "Race" according to their rules, among which is the ability to set the difficulty of the opponents running artificial intelligence to select the right tracks, set-UPS, power vehicles and more. But a real decoration of the updated of the game mode "Battle", pretty prettier and recharged, after a not very successful implementation in the original game. In this mode, you will be asked to play against the computer or live opponents in several fun types of games eight unique extra tracks.

Only mode "Battle" will offer five game types. The first is called "Sharabi". Each player to the vehicle attached to several balloons. You throw enemies of various items, thereby bursting the balloons. Wins the one who to the end of the allotted round time to burst the most bubbles. In the game "Pursuit of piranhas" players are divided into two teams, reminiscent of cops and bandits. To vehicles one of the teams mounted pots with carnivorous flowers-piranhas. They are chasing members of the opposite team trying to catch them in the allotted time and put behind bars. If all the opponents will be caught, the team piranha will win. But the opposing team can release their members from custody, by clicking on the scattered buttons. If at least one of them will be free by the end of the round victory will be assigned to the fugitives. The third type of the game "Bob-OBM-battle" when you need to collect throughout the level of bombs (maximum ammunition – 10 pieces) and throw them at opponents. Fourth – "Time — money" is very interesting in my opinion, although already met in previous games in the series. You need to collect scattered on the track, gold coins, and after the allotted time the player who has accumulated the greatest fortune. Moreover, if the enemies are something you shoot, you lose some of the accumulated wealth. Completing five of the modes of combat "Fastfat", when players will have to fight in the battle for the right to possession "Fairy of the Sun". This mode resembles the classic "capture the flag", but only on wheels.

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