A review of the game Here They Lie


2017-04-14 17:00:12




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A review of the game Here They Lie Source:

Video games impregnated with surrealism, always kept apart against their neighbors in the shop. They are born not so often, to highlight them in a special genre, but always attract the attention of the players, tired of the mainstream. I am most pleased to tell our readers about projects such as or , because they are very different from anything that offers the modern gaming industry. But the game Here They Lie ("That hides darkness" — the Russian name), which I'd like to tell you today, is unique in that it offers the player to go on a surreal journey with the help of virtual reality helmet .

Despite the fact that the game was released back in October of last year, and I passed it somewhere in early November, to start this review, I was hesitant for several months. First, the game is very difficult to understand, so it took a while to digest everything I saw and heard. Secondly, the game is quite hard from the point of view of physiology. Yes, it is safe to introduce such a parameter, when it comes to some VR projects. You go through it, almost overcoming himself and feeling real physical pain. Here They Lie has become a real challenge to my vestibular system and psyche. But about all this I will tell you below. Honestly, deep down I was hoping that this review I never have to write. But then my own VR helmet from Germany finally arrived, and for the game got another patch, so I had to regroup and get writing material.

Developed the game in the walls of the Studio Tangentlemen. These guys position themselves as like-minded people uniting in order to bring to life an eerie surreal vision, something resembling nightmares. What can I say? They got it, because Here They Lie really can be confused with someone's nightmare, where reality and illusion intertwine in a mad dance, a powerful stream splashing on the heads of the untrained players. In the development of the game was also attended by well-known internal Studio Sony — Santa Monica. These guys are not used to raise promising indie bands, so the developers of Tangentlemen was in good hands.

Now the most difficult. Let me tell you about the plot of the game, if I can understand it except themselves fans of art-house and spiritually enlightened guru? The plot Here They Lie in my mind strongly associated with films like "Donnie Darko" and "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal in the title role. They are also almost impossible to understand yourself, not read before that a thick manual. Even if you think you understand something in history, after explanation of the plot, knowledgeable people, it turns out that in fact you even one iota closer to understanding. Personally, I think that the developers themselves do not fully understand what their game is, but trying to create a sense of layering and depth of the plot. This is not to say that the project will benefit from this. Turned out, rather the opposite. Players will constantly feel the fact that the writers play on them naturally bullied.

The Main character Here They Lie is a man trapped in a gloomy alternate reality, where he attempts to meet with the dark-skinned girl in a bright yellow dress that constantly eludes him for the next turn of winding streets black and white city. Throughout the game you will find various documents, pictures and to hear a voice from the pipes of street pay phones, but to bind these materials together into one story is almost impossible. From time to time the main character is haunted by a giant man in an old-fashioned coat, hat and briefcase in hand. Around him erupts in flames, burning everything alive. But who he is and what he did not please the protagonist of the game – no one to explain to us, of course, will not. After a couple hours of playing I stopped trying to understand the jumble of confusing symbolism, metaphors, images, and decided to just enjoy the gameplay.

As you progress you happen to be in several locations, including the dark city, abandoned subway, the red light district, populated by people with animal heads, suburbs, and other interesting places to mention which I will not specifically. Monochrome locations, though, and is depicted in sufficient detail and beautiful, suffer from lack of interactivity. Yes, in the drawers you can find batteries for flashlights, can stumble upon a couple of sheets it is not clear who wrote the lyrics, faded pictures, but otherwise is to do here is almost nothing. You can only go forward and try not to get lost in the maze of narrow corridors and alleys. In General, the gameplay is reminiscent of projects like Dear Esther, Gone Home and Everybody's Gone To Rapture. In the circles of gamers they jokingly referred to as "simulation walk" due to the fact that the main character is only able to move around and read or listen to any recordings.

From time to Time the game offers you blotches stealth mechanic, when you have to hide in the shadows, that you have not noticed the eerie creatures with antlers on their heads. They appear very suddenly, so you can't always time for it to respond adequately. And considering that the main character there are absolutely no weapons in the event of a collision with the enemy, you will most likely die. After the death of the protagonist finds himself standing on the surface of a blood red sea at sunset, and around the water silently raised clones of the same mysterious man with a briefcase. Need a bit to go forward and the sea transformirovalsya in the hallway ending with a door to the location where you just died. In fact, irrevocably to die in Here They Lie is impossible. This is somewhat frustrating, as the significance of the death of the protagonist depreciates sharply.

A Couple of times the game will try to create the illusion of interactivity, inviting the player to make difficult moral choices. For example, to kill or to spare he met the creature. But really, what would you do, in the end it had virtually no impact on further developments. Why this choice is even needed and what meaning it has to say is extremely difficult. The ending of the game, too, two and to choose one of them Lie Here They will offer you at the end. I wouldn't say that final scene somehow clarify all of that sur what happened with the main character for several hours, but fans of art-house interchange will surely enjoy. However after the credits the player has a huge number of questions, the answers to which I tell him are just not meant to be.

What is the game much good, so is the ability to project the player the atmosphere of loneliness, helplessness and despair. Got in Here They Lie an impressive scene when the player tries to save from destruction several of the inhabitants of this dull, surreal world. All of this unfolds on the stage of a small theater by hoots and shouts of raging spectators. At this point, it even seemed to me that the developers managed to create within your game a small masterpiece. But the fun lasts not long, and after the scene we return to the dull "simulated walk". Actually, sometimes the atmosphere really envelops the viewer / player. Surely you're impressed with scenes of group sex with TV's and subtle references to the games the Bioshock series by Ken Levine. Strong emotions are guaranteed despite the fact that the plot Here They Lie in its entirety is almost impossible to comprehend.

Visually the game is quite contradictory. The artists deserve respect, as when poor color palette they managed to create a truly colorful and diverse world. Yes, except that technically the game is quite impressive. Blurry textures disappoint rather quickly, and they are found literally at every step. The abundance of soap will only aggravate the already not very rosy situation with the VR headset, the display resolution of which leaves something to be desired. In addition, the game is just disgusting antialiasing. But after a while you get used to this picture and stop paying attention to its flaws, completely giving himself an overwhelming atmosphere. Special mention deserves the final part of the game: this cool and colorful trip, I have not seen even once during his long practice of working games journalist. Developers who indulged in LSD or other drugs when he created "it".

As I told you above, the game very difficult to play from a purely physical point of view. This is perhaps the most rocking VR project from all those with whom I had to face. After about 10-20 minutes of playing you feel like you begins to feel sick. The issue here is not about the shortcomings of virtual reality technology as such, but in elementary inexperience of the developers. So now they released a patch correcting the streaming textures and some smoothing of the movement, and in October last year, when I went Here They Lie, I had to literally force myself to put on the head of the PlayStation VR headset. Before that it was terrible once again to feel the adverse impact of the project. The game has several options to move a character: you can rotate the camera smoothly (with the appearance of dark vignette at the edges of the screen), or to deploy its sharp turns for a certain number of degrees to minimize motion sickness. But I'll tell you this: none of the available modes does not guarantee that after half an hour you do not run strictly in the direction of the toilet. As one of my Western colleagues: Here They Lie – a great game if you accidentally swallowed poison and you urgently to cause excessive vomiting. That's really what you can not argue.

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