The strangest things that has ever launched a man into space


2019-10-30 14:20:12




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The strangest things that has ever launched a man into space Source:

In 2009, the space was 878 25 sent text messages to locate their aliens

Of Course, the journey of people into space much more impressive than sending in the vast space of dirt from the stadium or, for example, the lightsaber of Luke Skywalker from “Star wars.” As strange as sending into space was not, they were sent there not only to science, but even for sentimental reasons. In this article we will explain what a strange and funny things were sent in and why humanity chose them.

Thousands of text messages

COSMOS Magazine and the Australian government has partnered with NASA to implement the project “Hello From Earth”. The aim of this project was sending text messages that you can leave on a special website. As a result, 25 of 878 messages were transmitted towards Gliese 581d, located 20 light years from Earth. And this despite the fact that the existence of the planet remains still in question.

Microscopic animals Tardigrades

These microscopic animals are able to survive at temperature up to 148 -164 degrees Celsius, at a pressure of 6000 times stronger than the Earth's atmosphere, and radiation in excess of the lethal dose a thousand times. Thanks supersposobnosti, some European scientists found that tardigrades can survive in space. Scientists are not wrong, and as a result of exposure to vacuum and solar radiation from space survived about 65% dehydrated . They rehydrated, and some even appeared healthy offspring.

making a ten day stay in space survived most of the microorganisms

treadmill named for Stephen Colbert

In order not to lose muscle mass in microgravity, astronauts living on the ISS have to train for several hours a day. But in order to training was possible in such conditions, NASA created a special treadmills with external resistance, which hold the “floating” people.

treadmill was named after comedian Stephen Colbert.

Due to the large fascination and increase public interest in space exploration, NASA called the cosmic treadmill in his honor. In order to use sports equipment in the absence of gravity, astronauts only need to fasten your seat belts.

Salmonella in space

The Bacterium Salmonella sent into space for scientific purposes. have been grown aboard the space Shuttle “Atlantis”, but as soon as he landed on the Ground, scientists infected by the bacterium unsuspecting mice. The second group of mice was infected with Salmonella grown on the Ground. The researchers compared two groups of infected mice and found that the space Salmonella more aggressive effect on mice. Genetic activity of bacteria changed in the conditions of space exposure, which makes it more dangerous.

the Wreckage of the original plane the Wright brothers

Landing on the moon was of great importance, and to prove it, the crew of “Apollo-11” brought a lot of things. Many of the things the astronauts left on the moon's surface, turning them into a kind of rarity for future colonists. Thus, among left things on the moon left an American flag and recording votes 73 world leaders. In addition, in order to celebrate the first flight of mankind on the moon “Apollo-11” brought pieces of cloth and debris from the plane the Wright brothers to the moon and back.

the Wright Brothers were the founders of the first airplane and pioneered the development of the airspace

the Wheel of cheese Le Brouere

When testing a spacecraft in the first flight, need something to load. decided to send a giant wheel of cheese into space during the first flight of the Dragon capsule in 2010. First aid for the capsules were kept in the strictest secret, which is why it was enclosed in a metal box marked “top secret”

Giant wheel of cheese sent into space, was an homage to Monty Python

Record of brain waves of the person

Astrophysicist Carl Sagan and creative Director of the Golden Record, Ann Druyan for a long time worked hard on the creation of images and sounds of the cosmos, in order to provide this information to mankind. In addition, during operation, the couple began a romantic relationship. A few days before Druyan recorded their brain activity, they were engaged. During recording, in addition to the planned scenario, Druyan pondered “miracle of love” precisely in order to prevent wandering of the mind. The record engraved on the so-called “Golden book”, which was sent into space to decrypt the aliens.

dinosaur Fossils

What could be a better combination of words than “dinosaurs in space”? In 1985, the NASA astronaut Loren Acton brought dinosaur fossils into space aboard the Shuttle Challenger.

Space Shuttle with a dinosaur on Board was equipped with a special laboratory that can provide safe storage of fossils.

Fossilsconsists of small pieces of bone and egg shell derived from the nesting of the hadrosaur. Then, in 1998, space Shuttle endeavour delivered the skull to the space station “Mir”. To date, both sets of fossils returned to Earth, but now we can say that dinosaurs went to space.

Dirt from Yankee stadium

Astronaut Garrett Reisman was a big fan of “new York Yankees”, which he took with him a vial of dirt from Yankee stadium during his first mission. During his stay on the ISS, Reisman threw the ceremonial game ball for the Yankees. Back on Earth a few months later, astronaut again threw the first ball, but physically being at their stadium.

During his stay on the ISS, Reisman threw the ceremonial game ball for the Yankees

lightsaber Luke Skywalker

As the portal , in space even visited lightsaber Luke Skywalker. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of “Star wars”, NASA sent the lightsaber Hatch to the International space station aboard the space Shuttle in 2007. And now, judging from the exposed Space center light sword, we can safely say about his stay in space.


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