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Why the rain drops are not the same? Scientists already know the answer
Once in the rain and hiding in a secluded place, you probably noticed that the raindrops are very different in size. Generally, the cloud drops have the same magnitude, but to the earth fly particle diameter of 1 to 5 millimeters. For a long time, scientists believed that during flight the droplets change their size, facing each other. Only now, in 2009, French scientists noticed that the drops flying at a considerable distance from each other and can't often collide with each other. Therefore, to break up into smaller pieces due to physical contact they are not capable. To find out how big raindrops are small, they conducted a laboratory experiment. They created the design, which were falling drops of water, and on top of them and blew air, thus simulating their fall from a great height. The events were captured on camera with time lapse function.
To get started is to figure out how in the sky there are clouds with rain drops. From the curriculum we already know that under the influence of the sun's heat water from the oceans, seas, lakes and even a-Cup with drinks evaporates and turns into steam. As the steam is very light, it quickly rises into the sky and forms a rain cloud. When the temperature falls, the vapour particles begin to fuse together, forming thousands of water droplets. Eventually, they become heavy and fall to the ground. In the end .
to See the formation of clouds do very rarely.
Formed in the cloud droplets is usually the same size, but on the ground they fall different. This can be seen not only by observation. For example, according to some scholars, it is possible to quickly bring the rain a sieve with flour. After being hit by raindrops on the sieve are formed by clumps of flour and they all differ in size. So, during the rain fall from the sky to both small and large drops of water. And that's assuming that clouds are formed is practically not distinguishable from each other particles. The question arises — what happens to them during a fall to earth? Some phenomenon is clearly changing their sizes and it is certainly not collision.
Rain is not just on Earth but on other planets. Only here on Saturn and Jupiter it is not out of the water and diamonds
Erecting mentioned earlier in this article design with the falling drops, the researchers began to observe their structure with the help of a camera with a refresh rate of 1000 frames per second. At , the bottom blew air drops — so the researchers simulated a water fall from a height of about one kilometer. In the video below you can see how provided by the air resistance flattens first drop then it takes the form of a parachute. Unable to withstand the pressure, the upper wall of the drop explodes and splits into several tens of particles of different sizes. The result is that the air is the same as if the raindrops explode — this can explain the differences between the drops. And their clash is nothing to do with it.
It Should be noted that the above-mentioned experiment was carried out back in 2009. Since then, scientists have learned a lot of interesting things about the nature of rains. For example, in 2015, the staff of the Massachusetts Institute of technology (USA) why , after rain, the air takes on a fresh smell. According to them, when raindrops fall to the ground, they form a tiny puddle. Again hitting on them, they lift into the air microscopic particles that lay on the ground. These particles include dust, pollen, fragments of soil, and even bacteria viruses. So, loved by many "smell after rain" may carry some danger to human health. However, this does not mean that after a rain it is impossible to walk with cases when people were infected by viruses after heavy rains, not officially.
Earthy smell, which is felt after a rain, called petricola
And here's another interesting fact — the raindrops are very rare rolling down the Windows in a straight line. This phenomenon has an explanation and cause unpredictable routes drops is not only to gusts of wind. If you look at glass under a microscope, you can see that they are not so smooth as they seem at first glance. Raindrops like moving on the tracks and predict their path is almost impossible.
And more recently in rainwater contains a lot of micro-plastic. This term refers to the plastic particles less than 5 millimeters. About why on the planet are "plastic rain", a time earlier told my colleague Love Sokovikova. I recommend reading it !
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