Like a little bird builds the biggest nest up to 8 meters?


2020-08-04 20:20:09




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Like a little bird builds the biggest nest up to 8 meters? Source:

the biggest nests birds, known as social weavers

To survive, all living organisms need to work. People go to work to have a roof over your head and also in order not to die of hunger and boredom. Ants build multi-level ant, rodents digging deep holes, and the birds build nests. It takes a huge amount of time and effort, so people and animals need to be able to work in a team. In this case, especially proven birds called social weavers (Philetairus socius). Thanks to the cohesive work, they manage to build the biggest nest in the world, with a height of up to two and length up to eight meters. Recently a team of researchers from National Geographic went to the habitat for these unusual birds, and find out how construction of their life.

Industrious animals

The Results of observations were published . About ordinary weavers scientists and so has been known very much. Externally they resemble the well known sparrows: the length of the body averages about 14 inches, most of the feathers are painted in a light brown color, but there are also black feathers. The females from the males one eye it is impossible to distinguish, because sexual dimorphism is virtually absent from them. The term "sexual dimorphism" is commonly understood as a phenomenon between individuals of different sexes have distinctive features like growths on his forehead, a different color of certain parts of the body and so on. I already many times wrote about it — for example, references to this phenomenon .

Social weaver (Philetairus socius)

In the appearance of these birds there is nothing remarkable. But their unity in terms of nest building is clearly worthy of attention. The length of their dwellings up to 8 meters — they look like hanging from trees and power lines haystacks. This is not a nest for one family, because in this hanging structure there are about 300 separate rooms. Places to stay there as in the outer layer of the nest, so deep inside. And this structure made for a reason, because it makes a lot of sense. You can tell the presence of a huge number of birds nests provides the most comfortable living conditions.

Building nests

In the course of the observations, the scientists noticed that the night public weavers only sleep in the nests, located deep inside the building. And in the daytime, especially in hot weather, they spend time in the outer layers of the huge nest. After measuring air temperature in different layers of the design, everything became clear. At night the birds sleep in distant rooms because there is warmer. While they sleep inside the external socket are cooled and they kept the temperature at +8 degrees Celsius. At the same time, in the street maybe 30-degree heat.

As you can see, a huge nest consists of many smaller nests

As mentioned above, for the construction of so large and complex structures, teamwork is very important. In the course of scientific work, researchers have found that bird approach this matter with great seriousness. My colleague Love Sokovikova have been told that despite the tiny brain of a bird . So, social weavers are no exception. As in any society, some of them are lazy and dishonest individuals. With them, the birds are very strict.

Video about social weavers from the BBC

When any individual is avoiding work or was unfair in relation to other birds, they are punished. So, if one of the individuals are too lazy to get a new straw and picks her up from another part of the nest, a group of birds simply drives her. They are trying to drive away the bouncer as far as possible, because alone, these birds quickly become victims of predators. Sometimes banished birds are aware of their guilt, return to the nest and begin to work honestly. Just like in humans.

Generally, workaholics in the world there are many birds. Some of them don't just work hard, and do it wisely. For example, the bird-deadlock (Fratercula arctica) skillfully uses all kinds of sticks as tools. In July 2018, the researcher Fayette Annette (Annette Fayet) were able to capture on video how one of these feathered creatures scratching his chest with raised from the ground a stick. It looks very funny, so I recommend to watch the video .


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