Museum of antiquity: what can you find at the bottom of lake Titicaca?


2020-08-07 14:20:08




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Museum of antiquity: what can you find at the bottom of lake Titicaca? Source:

Such items can be found at the bottom of lake Titicaca. But what is it?

The entire history of mankind on our planet lived a lot of different civilizations. Representatives of each of them had his own vision of the origin of the Earth and life. For example, the Scandinavian pagans believed that everything that surrounds them, made of body parts of mythical giant: the earth from his flesh, mountains from the bones, plants of the hair and so on. The first man and woman, if you believe Norse mythology, was created from trees. And according to ancient Inca that inhabited the territory of present-day South America, their grandparents were two people who were born on the island of the Sun. It is located on lake Titicaca, which was considered a sacred place and was used to carry out sacrifices to the gods. At the moment, lying on its bottom, the objects tell a scientist a lot of interesting details about the life of the representatives of ancient civilization. For example, there are a lot of chests, inside which hid some very interesting things.

the Ancient city of the Incas

About the secrets that conceal the depths of lake Titicaca, was described in a scientific . The Inca Empire existed in the period from the XI to the XVI century and during that time she was introduced left a lot of traces. For example, in the South American country of Peru is the mysterious ruins of Machu Picchu, which for unexplained reasons . Today it is very difficult to get to because it is built at an altitude of 2540 meters, and he even gave the name "city in the clouds". On the hill there are still buildings that were built several hundred years ago. It is believed that the Incas had no written language and were not able to extract iron. Nevertheless, they still managed to build durable structures that preserve their shape to this day.

City of Machu Picchu with a bird's eye

beneath lake Titicaca?

So, lake Titicaca was used for sacrifices. Scientists for many years find at its bottom a lot of different items and make up finds huge catalogs. So, in the territory of the sacred lake they found many animal bones, gold medallions, jewelry, those stone boxes, that I mentioned above. As a rule, these items were found on the submerged reef Khoa. In total number there was found 28 boxes inside of which were hidden small figures and ornaments of gold, silver and shells. The modern descendants of the Incas believe that their ancestors poured in boxes on the blood of animals and people, but due to poor integrity, they were dissolved in water.

it was thought that the Incas sacrificed only on the territory of the reef Khoa. However, sacrificial items were found on the territory of the reef Which

Scientists have long believed that the rites of sacrifice occurred only close to the reef Khoa. However, recently a box of gifts for the gods were found on the reef Which (K’akaya), which is located in a completely different place. That box was used for ritual sacrifice, no doubt. First, the appearance of the box is the same as that found on the reef Khoa. Secondly, it is made of the same volcanic rock. Thirdly, inside it were hidden "gifts" for the gods. According to calculations of scientists, the gift box was under water about 500 years ago.

Ancient artifacts of the Incas

As a gift for the gods, the ancient Incas put in a stone box figure in the form of a Lama, which is made of razor clam species Spondylus. Also inside the box was a folded sheet of gold — this is most likely a part of the precious bracelet. Maybe inside the box there were also other decorations and even the blood of animals, but they were floating in the water. After all, the Incas were not able to produce a sealed container and their products were made quite roughly.

Found the box and its contents

the Gods of the Incas

The Lake Titicaca is situated at 3,800 meters and is the highest reservoir. What the gods of the ancient Incas sacrifices were unknown. Based on the fact that the lake is located on the mountainous terrain, the researchers suggest that the presents were for deity APU. It was he, if you believe the Inca mythology, is the spirit of the mountains and protectors of the inhabitants of the highlands. However, the sacrifice could also be made in honor of the gods such as:

  • Viracocha, which was considered storyteller the world. That is, if you believe the stories, together with his wife Mama Cocha had a son of Inti (the sun) and daughter Mom Killa (moon);
  • the
  • Pacha CAMAC, who is considered the Creator of the first men and women;
  • the
  • Pachamama, which was considered the chief among the female deities. In a nutshell, she is the goddess of earth and fertility.

History of the ancient Incas studied constantly and every time scientists learn something new. It has long been known that the soldiers of this civilization different stiffness, cut off the enemies head and otherwise mutilated them. About why they did that, I wrote . Nicereading!


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