Now - 19:51:56
35 years ago autism was not well understood by scientists, and in this saw a strong need — autism suffered an average of 5 people out of 10 thousand. Subsequently, however, doctors noticed a sharp increase in such diagnoses among the population, and now for every 150 people allocate one with autism. The alarm was raised very quickly, launched a program for the study of autism and the development of methods of its treatment. But despite the fact that during this time the medicine took a major leap forward, while such pathological conditions is not fully understood. Among them are distinguished separately from Asperger's syndrome.
This is man's condition was named after Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician Hans Asperger, who in 1944 reported seeing children who are unable to communicate normally with their peers and are of limited empathy. The term was coined by English psychiatrist Lorna wing in a publication, 1981.
The History of this syndrome began very sad. During the Second world war, Has practiced at the University children's clinic in Vienna. He selected children who had expressed mental disorders and deviations, and discharged them directions to the clinic, "Am Spiegelgrund" — known fact that it was included in the Nazi program of purification of the nation. During the war there killed 789 children, many of them were killed.
In other words, people with Asperger's syndrome is beginning to experience problems when interacting with other people, he did not want to once again communicate. This person typically focuses on their own interests and often fixated on any one task. However, he may not understand the motives and emotions of others, often equating them to "a different class of creatures."
a Person with Asperger's syndrome are difficult to contact with others.
Can we call it a disease? Although before Asperger's syndrome strongly identified with autism, now more and more doctors consider it a mental disorder. The fact that people with this syndrome often have high intelligence and are way ahead of peers in intelligence. Through attention to detail, dedication and thoroughness of these children often make a genius of his craft. Asperger's syndrome was, for example, Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton; this is also diagnosed to Steve jobs, founder of Apple, and bill gates, who became the head of Microsoft.
Asperger's Syndrome was seen in bill gates and Steve jobs
theMost Often, Asperger's is diagnosed by psychologists in schools, since the finding of the child in society can be well understood, he is able to communicate normally with their peers and understand them or not. Specific classification, the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome no, but scientists were still able to identify the main of them.
theThe Man speaks only with a limited circle of persons; the
Even if a person has one or more of these symptoms, you cannot self-diagnose him with Asperger's syndrome. As a rule, to identify with a child (or an adult, although children find it easier) psychologists and neurologists.
Now on the Internet there are several tests for Asperger's syndrome, one of them was developed by the psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at the Cambridge centre for the study of autism — can try . If a person gains in it more than 32 points, with high probability he has signs of Asperger's syndrome. At the same time, the test is not a diagnostic tool, so in any case necessary to consult a doctor.
Children with Asperger's syndrome, tend to have higher intelligence.
Many doctors were trying to find the cause of Asperger's syndrome, on this subject, written many scientific papers, however, consensus on the causes of its occurrence there. It is believed that the occurrence of a state associated with the breakage in the X chromosome — so explain why the syndrome is more common in boys (they have one X chromosome and no second copy of all the genes, in contrast to girls).
Among the negative factors among other things include excessive alcohol consumption and Smoking.
However so far not found biochemical, hormonal or genetic markers that uniquely accompany this condition. Not recognize it and when scanning of the brain. With these is associated the desire of some scholars to distinguish Asperger's in separate classifications, and not to relate it to the types of autism.
In Addition toSteve jobs and Nikola Tesla, about whom we spoke earlier, there are several confirmed cases of Asperger's famous people:
theAmong his contemporaries to people with Asperger's syndrome also include environmental activist Greta Thunberg, a murderer Anders Breivik and the hero of the series "the big Bang Theory" — brilliant physicist Sheldon Cooper.
Greta Thunberg herself said about her Asperger's syndrome
Doctors don't usually prescribe to people like this. Usually symptoms are not so pronounced after training on communication and social skills — help children to understand other people. Psychoactive substances can be prescribed for strong anxiety and hyperactivity, but if the child has disorders of fine motor skills of hands, which is also sometimes found in Asperger's syndrome, applied to physical therapy. In some cases, these children have problems with speech — stuttering or problems with certain sounds that are mostly corrected with speech therapy.
Usually children become more social after special training
Because Asperger's syndrome is not 100% to call disease or some deviation, many researchers argue that this syndrome should not be regarded as a disorder, and to relate it to individual characteristics of a person. They stipulate that even if a person doesn't mix well and there is much good in the social world, this feature allows him to achieve success in math, engineering, music and other Sciences, which require perseverance and concentration. And the example of Steve jobs, bill gates and Mozart is clearly proves.
Sheldon Cooper — one of the most famous characters with Asperger's
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