Now - 03:38:06
The Exhibition "Russia looking into the future" takes place from 5 to 22 November in the Central exhibition hall «arena». Participation of various Russian companies showing for the most part civil development. Among other guests and participants of the event there is a holding company «Schwabe», which is a state Corporation «rostec». At the exhibition he presented several developments of medical devices, some of which are interactive, intensive care unit «Intro» artificial ventricle, Russia's first fiber-optic system for phototherapy of newborns and other novelties.
Artificial ventricle "Invent" is a small pump the size of a little finger, which is implanted in the human body and helps a sick heart to pump blood, giving him the opportunity to recover and reducing the load on it. Experts explain that now all heart transplant greatly exceeds the number of suitable donor hearts, so "Invent" may be in this case a good alternative.
Intervertebral disc, are presented by company, also good. The material from which it is made, does not break, in comparison with ceramic and metal discs so far, and another implant is designed for 25 years of service. In addition, the material developed by «Schwabe» can be used for the manufacture «patches» for the skull and replacement of any other parts of the skeleton. While the intervertebral discs adorn the exhibition, other implants of the same material are tested in clinics of Novosibirsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg.
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