Why a quarantine is the best way to combat the pandemic CoVID-19?


2020-03-18 16:00:12




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Why a quarantine is the best way to combat the pandemic CoVID-19? Source:

Flash has become a serious test for humanity. It is important to understand that earlier the world has never seen anything like it – is the first in the history of our species pandemic coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that affect humans and animals. Some are the cause of the annual and already familiar SARS, other cause of atypical pneumonia, such as the infamous SARS – severe acute respiratory syndrome (died 774 people) and MERS – middle East respiratory syndrome (died 431). However, if the SARS epidemic and MERS managed to stop using and quarantine precautions like banal hand hygiene, the new coronavirus was able to escape outside of China, despite quarantine measures, and has become the epicenter . But if European countries imposed quarantine immediately, not after a few weeks, would reduce the number of victims?

How effective is quarantine?

Reporters internationally known and respected publication made up graphs that show the growth rate of the number of infected, depending on the imposition of quarantine or his absence. By simple mathematical calculations, it becomes obvious that if not to take any action in combating the proliferation of CoVID-19, by may, in the United States alone will be registered not less than 100 million cases. The fact that the rate of spread of the novel coronavirus is quite high – in the case of complete inactivity, the number of infected will double every three days. It is important to understand that this is pure mathematics, not prophecies and other nonsense.

Recall that the social distancing – reducing contact between people and the refusal from visiting crowded places such as metro stations, shopping malls, schools, universities, museums, cinemas etc. is the most effective way of combating the spread of the coronavirus. To see this, let's imagine that in a small town with a population of 200 people arrived the first infected. If you take no action, the spread of the disease will occur very quickly, as shown in chart 1.

Free dissemination of coronavirus, schedule No. 1

In the case of enhanced isolation of the population when all the people of the city decide not to go out and personally do not interact with each other (or as it was in China, when people were forbidden to leave their homes) the number of new infections slows down considerably. Look at the chart No. 2, is impressive, isn't it?

figure 2 – how does the spread of the coronavirus during a full quarantine

Figure 3 paints a slightly different picture – reasonable-isolation. This means that quite a large percentage of the city's population stays at home and does not attend public places. However, some residents continue to go out. The graph shows that the number of new infections is much lower than in the case of complete inaction.

Graph 3 shows the distribution with moderate isolation

But figure 4 shows what happens if you enter the quarantine, but then abruptly cancel it – after the introduction of the quarantine, the number of infected will begin to decline, however, as soon as the quarantine gets lifted, is growing again and this time stronger.

Figure 4 – an attempt to quarantine and abrupt withdrawal

Should all countries to introduce greater quarantine in China?

Despite the graphics, the introduction of intensive quarantine, as it was in China, it is hardly possible in most countries of the world. The fact that some point the city of Wuhan, where the epidemic began, began to Board up the doors of houses that people couldn't leave. Also effective was the massive road blocks, when we wish to break the quarantine was not possible. You need to understand that the measures extreme and violate the rights of not only patients but also healthy citizens.

In reality, people still continue to go out. Caring for elderly relatives, the need for drugs or the dog is not going anywhere despite the pandemic. So, Italy and Spaindespite the introduction of quarantine, you can see people on the streets, this is simply impossible to avoid. Despite the fact that the graphs above do not take into account the mortality, they demonstrate the effectiveness of isolation of the population. You need to understand that the graphics in the first place addressed to people from all over the world – if you have the opportunity to work/learn from home and take the exit to the street to a minimum – do it.

Whether you like it or not, but CoVID-19 – just like the evil aliens from outer space – not to negotiate with us. And it absolutely do not care about our Affairs, politics, religion, and worldview. The virus exists and its only goal is to reproduce as successfully as possible. Therefore, every time you leave the house you risk if you do not get sick themselves, infecting others. According to reports, people under the age of 40 is quite easy to carry the disease, but it is very dangerous for anyone over 60. Think of your parents, grandparents – if you want as in Italy, they were in a crowded hospital, with no guarantee that they will connect to the ventilator? Personally, it depends on you very, very much, forget about it.

Empty streets of Chinese cities – both beautiful and frightening sight.


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