A new substance can cure fractures for a couple of days


2019-11-21 16:40:08




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A new substance can cure fractures for a couple of days Source:

to Mend broken bones it will be possible very quickly.

— it is not a quick process. Besides, it is complicated not only for the human body, but also to the medical team and the patient. It is necessary not only to match the right bone fragments, but also to securely lock them for a long time. However, the new substance may make the process easier. After all, the international team of researchers has found a way to use the hybrid aerogels, strong and ultra light materials that will stimulate growth of new bone tissue.

What is aerogels

To start, let's understand what are these aforementioned aerogels. Aerogels roughly — it is a combination of solids and gas. Imagine a jelly, but not normal jelly, and is where water slowly dries up and is completely replaced by air. It is a slow and careful removal of the fluid allows the gel to retain its shape and not be wrinkled into a solid lump. Connection of solid and gas makes the aerogels are extremely light and very porous. These two qualities make them suitable for use in the form of scaffolds that can be used as a physical «substitutes» for a developing bone that grows, the gel is replaced with new bone tissue.

Currently, the most common methods of bones or associated with fixation of the bones relative to each other «outside» by applying splints, plaster or with other devices, or by comparison of the fragments and fixing them with metal plates and pins.

The Bone just needs a little «promoting» for regeneration. — scientists say. Most importantly — is to make new bone tissue to grow in the right direction at the right time. Stop growth too soon, and the bone would be too brittle. Treat for a very long time — formed callus (approx.ed. — something like outgrowths in place of the adherent of the fracture), and the surrounding muscles very much atrophied, while the person will be in a cast.

A kind of balance can be achieved by using a frame that uses a hybrid aerogels. The frame — this structure, which is placed where bone repair and that «guides» growing tissue. A good frame should be durable but not too tough to stay long enough to form fresh tissue, and have a lot of time for growing bones. All of these requirements and meets the aerogel. About new exclusive content and not only do we regularly write in Yandex.Zen, so to be aware of.

As the aerogel will help in the regeneration of bones

There are from ceramics and metals to cellulose hydrogels. So what makes a hybrid aerogels are better than others? First, they are half composed of proteins that are eventually destroyed by the body. The other half — silicon, which is slow «melts» in the form of orthosilicic acid, and she, in turn, accelerates the healing of wounds. Secondly, the pore size of the aerogel can be controlled during the production process, adapting it to different tasks, as different bones of the body have different density and porosity.

In the end, three research laboratories, based in Iran, Germany and Austria got together and decided to combine a very solid protein with a very light and porous aerogel. The selected protein was the silk fibroin, a substance that is found in silkworm cocoons. Of course, researchers are faced with a fair share of obstacles in its path. the first material was too hydrophobic (it repels water, which is bad for such substances), the second was too hard and dry, and the third just «sat» in the human body forever destroyed.

Making in the end what is needed, the scientists moved on to the next phase: the validation and not whether the hybrid aerogels are harmful to human cells. When the hybrid aerogel placed in a Cup containing bone cells, the latter are easily grown on its surface, taking proteins and minerals necessary for bone growth and development is absolutely normal.

Aerogel is so durable that it can withstand direct heat.

In the next phase hybrid aerogels decided to test on mice. The researchers (unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary to act in the name of science) has caused fractures in two groups of animals. One of the rodents implanted with an aerogel, while the other was treated with traditional methods. After 25 days they saw that mice with implants had a more rapid and better healing than mice without implants. Aerogel not only allowed new bone to grow, but also forced her to grow up faster than usual.

Moreover, the rodents from the first group could quite comfortably «to use» his limbs without additional fixation, which does not restrict their functionality. And some animals on the healing took only a few days. Of course, the aerogel yet to be tested on humans, but at a much faster rehabilitation period suggests that, if successful, we will have a tool that will heal the bones for a few days, not weeks, as is happening now.


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