Now - 19:38:02
Before you routine the Universe: acceleration and disintegration of matter is heated to extremely high temperatures, burning gas, black holes and the explosions of stars.
The Nature of the mysterious dark energy responsible for the accelerating Universe is one of the most exciting questions of astronomy and physics. Scientists believe that this may be as the vacuum energy corresponding to the cosmological constant of General relativity (GR) Einstein and time-varying energy field. The answer to this question can be a starting point fundamental revolution in physics. x-ray observations of clusters of galaxies give information on the speed of expansion of the Universe, that's why the mission of the German-Russian machine «Spektr-REntgen-Gamma», «Spektr-RG», (SRG) with the x-ray telescope eRosita on Board, got a new map of the observable Universe.
Because in the Universe everything is controlled by gravity, it also dominates in the evolution and formation of galaxies. As on the website of the max Planck Institute, «x-ray observations of clusters of galaxies give information on the speed of expansion of the Universe, the fraction of mass in visible matter and the amplitude of the initial uctuations from which the clusters of galaxies and the structure of the Universe.» the Researchers also reported that the instrument eRosita, scanning the depths of space and the investigating the structure of the Universe, received a new map of the night sky. The image captures a lot of so-called violent actions in space cases, when matter is accelerated, heated and crushed.
The transfer of the first data set received eRosita, was completed in mid-June. X-ray telescope registers more than a million x-ray sources. it's almost the same number that was discovered in the entire history of x-ray astronomy. For the six months astronomers have doubled the known number of radiation sources. Let me remind you that «Spektr-RG» was launched in July last year and sent to a Supervisory position about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.
the Shapley Supercluster of galaxies is one of the most massive in the Universe
The data Obtained is staggering! I hope our work will revolutionize x-ray astronomy.
the lead group of high-energy astrophysics at the Institute for max-Planck for extraterrestrial physics (MPE) in Garching, Germany.
The most detailed and extensive map of the sky in the world about a million x-ray sources. the band in the middle – plane of the milky Way galaxy, the center of which is in the middle of the ellipse. Astronomers say that the card has been encoded using colors to help describe what is happening. The experts of Roscosmos journalists of the Russian service BBC News that «blue rays are photons with energies 1-2,3 Kev, which corresponds to the temperature of the radiating hot matter from 10 to 25 million degrees Kelvin. Green areas — the range of 0.6-1 Kev, and the temperature from 60 to 10 million degrees. Red — the «cold» — 0,3-0,6 Kev and 3-6 million degrees.»
For the most part of the galactic plane is dominated by high-energy sources. This is partly due to the fact that a large amount of gas and dust are absorbed and filtered out low-energy radiation. Sources include stars with strong magnetic active and extremely hot atmospheres. Green and yellow, forming a mushroom – shaped object, the hot gas inside and immediately outside of our Galaxy. This material captures information about the formation and evolution of the milky Way.
a Bright yellow spot just above the plane on the right, a cluster of supernova remnants – the debris of exploding stars, the shock wave which heated the surrounding cocoon gas and dust. In this image, the supernova remnant of Vela. This is the remains of the explosion that occurred thousands of years ago, just 800 light years from Earth.
Diffuse red glow in the upper and lower parts of the map – mostly the x-ray emission from hot gas far beyond the milky Way. White spots represent the signature of supermassive black holes. Surprisingly, about 80% of all sources on the new map – giant black holes, which are in the centers of distant galaxies.
Some of supermassive black holes on the map, were seen when the universe was younger than one billion years, which is less than 10% of its present age. «Spektr-RG» and mounted thereon a tool eRosita over the next 3.5 to make seven all-Russian surveys, which will allow the telescope to Refine the data to remove errors and to probe deeper into space in search of a weak x-ray sources that there's no other way to detect.
One of the key objectives of the mission is to map the distribution of hot x-ray gas, whichlights a large cluster of galaxies. Astronomers hope that this information can lead them to new ideas about how the universe works and how it has changed over time. It is possible that this project will be hints about the nature of dark energy.
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