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As we all know, laughter prolongs life. Positively affecting the nervous system, positive emotions increase the body's defenses, making it more resistant to stress and even infections. However, cry is able to exert a beneficial effect on our emotional state. It is well known that this seemingly negative emotion, helps us relieve stress and also makes us a little happier. But sometimes it happens that two opposite emotions are very close. Why the happy laughter in one second able to be replaced with tears and could this be a mental disorder?
Every day We experience our emotions, we cry and swear when we are angry; we laugh and smile, if we are funny; we cry from sadness, and in response to something shocking, our emotions give way to surprise. But if most of the emotions very accurately describe any instant reaction of a person, that laughter is “the player on two fronts”. So, that laughter is able to appear as if positive emotion, and negative.
In order to study laughter and its effect on the body, has even created a separate kind of science — gelotology, which includes the basics of not only physiology but psychology and even philosophy. So what is laughter and why do you cry laughing? The fact that common features of two opposite emotions can easily be mixed with each other. That is why the laughter turning into tears, so often found in young children.
General laughter, when considered from the point of view of physiology and anatomy, can be described as a complex act, in which there is strong contraction of the facial muscles to the beat of sharp respiratory movements, very similar to the cry or even a sob. It is also known that normal smile will employ about 15 facial muscles, and in the case that we have to use a whole complex of muscles of the larynx, neck, chest, abdomen and back. In addition, during laughter have reduced muscle lacrimal glands, which literally squeezed the tears in order to relieve the pressure on a rather thin vessels of the eye. This kind of laughter is useful for a person because it has a beneficial effect on his immune and cardiovascular system.
Laughter turns into crying may be a sign of a strong psychological stress.
If laughter to tears to explain from a physiological point simply, in psychological terms, it can be much more difficult. Psychologists say that in some cases, this laughter may indicate the present of a mental disorder. Typically, the laughter turning into tears, overtaken by man does not a good joke. Often we can become funny, even from very awkward or clumsy things and it is not in the subtle sense of humor, and we experience psychological stress.
Laughter, ending with a real cry, is considered to be a symptom of hysteria. Of course, these seizures are temporary, but if you don't pay attention to them, over time they can develop into the real mental disorder. So, as the disease may have convulsions and seizures, which are very similar to attacks of epilepsy.
But if that's too far, then you should pay attention at least at the frequency of the attacks, during which the laughter turns into tears. It is believed that this display of emotion is a kind of emotional discharge, during which our nervous system is trying to remove long-term stress. The reason for such state can be not only frequent , but also a variety of psychological experiences that negatively affect the nervous system. Splashing out the accumulated negativity in the form of hysterical laughter, which, ultimately, ends in bitter tears and sadness, your body tries to return to the former equilibrium.
It is Worth noting that for the treatment used a real laughter therapy. With such a funny way of treatment, the person can break free from clips, resentments and anxieties, and as a result become more happy.
Laughter can be a reaction not only to humor but also to nervous tension.
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