Now - 16:09:43
Even as a person who likes to sit at home and loves movies about the end of the world, I am now a bit uncomfortable. Agree, there is a wah effect is to sit in safety and look at how in the world something horrible happens, such as alien invasion or the outbreak of a dangerous disease. The whole point (or almost all) lies in the fact that looking another film-catastrophe man is safe. But today everything has changed. Because of the pandemic of the new coronavirus people around the world trying to get out of the house, and the ratio of the mass audience for films about impending Apocalypse changing. The fact that the film, which will be discussed in this article, draws as close to reality picture. But how did this happen?
Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant, who helped the world health organization (who) to eradicate smallpox and combat outbreaks of influenza and polio in 2006 and described how it will look in the next pandemic. While his words may have seemed unimaginable.
During the next pandemic can get sick a billion people, and die 165 million. With the global recession and major economic crisis will be left without work and benefits a huge number of people. In General, the consequences will be unthinkable.
On March 23, the Director General of the world health organization was Theodor Ghebreyesus said . This means that SARS-CoV-2 is raging across the planet and the chaos that it leaves behind, is gaining momentum. The number of deaths due to the coronavirus at the time of this writing has reached 16 thousand people, which is, fortunately, quite far from the numbers predicted by Diamond. However, today each of us can look at what could be a pandemic that in 2011, Larry Diamond acted as a senior consultant of a horror movie Director .
In the midst of a pandemic, people started looting – was the events in the film.
Recently, the newspaper has interviewed Diamond. As the whole world is today discussing “Infection”, it is believed that the film predicted the events. However, according to Diamond, all the epidemiological community in the last 10 or 15 years, warned the public that the question is not will there be something like that. The question is when it will happen. The researcher believes that the speedy end of the pandemic you must fulfill three mandatory conditions:
The Film is about a regular family man (Matt Damon) who is trying to cope with the social upheaval after a deadly virus swept over the world. In Contagion a bat drops a piece of fruit that is eaten by the pig. Then the pig is slaughtered for consumption, and the virus is transmitted to humans. Recall, scientists believe that the coronavirus, which has infected more than 300 000 people worldwide and has claimed more than 16,000 lives may also .
As the creators of “Contagion”, including Director Steven Soderbergh and writer Scott burns, set out to make the film as realistic as possible, they consulted with numerous epidemiologists and scientists. As written , the authors wanted to show people a more accurate picture, which could be invoked, in the hope that the film will encourage political leaders to action. However, in 2011, even star cast with Kate Winslet, Lawrence Fishburne, Jude law and other famous actors, did not attract public attention.
the Character Jude law carries leaflets with the words of the CDC are lying – there's a cure
We won't completely retell the story as highly recommend the film to view, but one important point we have to note: in the film, Jude law plays an Internet fraudster, who promotes homeopathic cure for a new virus. Unfortunately, today, some manufacturers peplomycin launched advertising on its supposedly proven effectiveness. Recently , we talked about antivirals and why most of them don't work.
Meanwhile, the authors of “Intrusion” claim that people like the character Jude law, always appears. It also outlines a number of psychological reactions that occur during the outbreak: conspiracy theories, accusing the governments of the States in a special production of the virus is also a common phenomenon. However, such rumors is practically not fade away, despite the fact that scientists SARS-CoV-2, as we recently reported.
Anyway, the world was not ready for a pandemic. Arrogance,which causes us to believe that we will cope with everything and that will not be faced with a really terrible virus threat is just ignorant. So the preview (or review) of the film of Steven Soderbergh can be a great idea and even suggest how to deal with the novel coronavirus. Yes, someone movie can scare, but it has useful lessons: only together we can defeat the disease.
still from the movie “Contagion”. As you can see, the problem of debris so will not go away.
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