How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus?


2020-05-17 20:20:11




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How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus? Source:

Since the topic of coronavirus relevant and interesting to many, will continue to talk about fighting the virus, but from the point of view of science. Daily on TV you can hear the speeches of politicians on the fact that someone will be responsible for all the consequences of this terrible pandemic. Shifting the blame and finding fault is though important, but as Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr.: «In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.» Therefore, in order to reduce the number «silenced» friends to a minimum, let's hear the opinion of scientists and statisticians.

Calculator deaths from coronavirus

Let's Start with the rather interesting statistics in a very useful shell. A group of Polish scientists from the Pomeranian science and technology Park developed and . The principle of its operation is very simple: bringing together your age, gender and indicating whether you have one of four chronic diseases, namely hypertension, type II diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular problems, the system will give you the result that will show the probability of death from COVID-19.

the test Result of one of our editors.

What affects the death rate from coronavirus?

According to the main developer of the calculator, Peter Bandola:

The Risk of death from COVID very clearly depends on lifestyle and related diseases, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension and their complications. The mortality rate among people without any chronic diseases is less than 1% of cases with a fatal outcome COVID-19.

Sounds Like not as open, but you have to understand that sometimes chronic runny nose. Yet there is a chronic thirst for knowledge, but, alas, not treated. This will only one tool — .

So the calculator Polish scientists — a good thing. It allows using data from previous statistics, report you that you are in danger and, maybe it's time to do the test, or the maximum of the minimum. This is especially true for those who are afraid to make any tests because of «danger» to be hospitalized. Forewarned is forearmed.

Why ? So, this question gives a good response, the head of the Russian Ministry of health and the candidate of medical Sciences Mikhail Murashko:

The Men carry coronavirus infection heavier than women. It may be associated with lesions of the alveoli in the lungs, which the male body cope worse than women's.

Said Something like that and the Spanish neuroscientist Diego Regolar, but in his opinion, the reason for this may lie in the fact that men are more likely to smoke.

Vitamin D and coronavirus

A Study by American scientists from northwestern University in Illinois and British scientists from the Foundation for the Queen Elizabeth hospital and the University of East Anglia focused on vitamin D. As stated by scientists, competent approach to the control of vitamin D will reduce twice the number of deaths among those infected with coronavirus.

vitamin D has many beneficial properties

An important clarification of the physicians is that vitamin D will not protect against infection, it only will reduce mortality in the event of the patient coronavirus that pandemic conditions is an important aspect. Statistics were created on the basis of patients in Italy, Spain and the UK. Regardless of age, the number of people infected with the low level of vitamin D is significant, which gives grounds to hypothesize.

the Benefits of vitamin D

Effect of vitamin D contributes to normal growth and development of bones, helps the body to restore the protective sheath and prevents the growth of cancer cells and. Vitamin D strengthens the immune system and controlling it, preventing hypercytokinemia.

This discovery explains the low mortality rate among children. They have not yet, as such, acquired immunity, or rather not particularly formed, in contrast to adults, who failed "cytokine storm" blocks the innate immunity and leads to death. If you've read up to this point and decided to eat vitamin D to satiety, the scientists warn that everything is good in moderation, overdose of vitamins will do more harm than good.

the Fight against coronavirus is conducted every day.


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