Now - 21:54:28
The future of the planet depends on how much time children spend in nature
the Future of the planet — in the hands of the younger generation. Today our planet is experiencing not the best times. Its surface overflowing with garbage, the air temperature is constantly increasing, glaciers are melting and t...
How old polluted air shortens people's lives?
the Dirty air significantly shortens the duration of our lives the air Quality in most cities of the world, to put it mildly, disgusting. Every day we go outside to cool off, but in fact, inhaled car exhaust and other harmful subs...
A greener future: created packages that degrade in seawater
coming Soon in Japan, more expensive packages, but they are environmentally friendly the fact that our planet suffers from a surfeit of plastic waste on land and the oceans, knows almost everyone. First, all visible to the naked e...
How much plastic debris reach the Earth in 2040?
the Bad news is the production of plastic, we really screwed up the future Regular readers of our site already know that one of the major problems facing mankind right now is the pollution of the planet with plastic waste. Bottles...
Fish with a Mohawk on his head is officially recognized as extinct
These fish really look like rebels What happens if you dip a frog in bright paint, to tell her sad story and put her huge paw gloves? According to scientists, the result of all these manipulations will fish from the family brachio...
In 100 years the polar bears will be left without food
polar bears are considered the largest of its kind. Their body length can reach 3 meters and a weight of 1 ton Scientists from the U.S. and Canada have shared the troubling news about a hundred years, from the face of the planet c...
the Red color shows the area of the Earth with the highest concentration of methane in the atmosphere the Whole world still worries about the spread of the coronavirus, almost forgetting that the problems we have always had bulk. ...
The city with the most polluted air has become cleaner
the Air in the Indian city of Delhi is considered to be dangerous to health According to the environmentalists from Greenpeace, there are exactly 30 cities, which are almost filled with debris. We all have heard about the bad envi...
New plastic degrades in just 4 years
Common plastic decomposes for a few hundred years, but NeCycle — in just four years. Today, plastic has become an indispensable material from which made dishes, tools, toys — in short, almost everything that surrounds us. Its popu...
In the United States killed a record number of bees. What will be the consequences?
Do bees become endangered animals? Many people believe that bee is one of a kind bee and they are all the same. Only here in the world there are about 21 of the thousands of species that live in all parts of the world except Antar...
What happens to plastic bags put in the water?
Plastic bags decompose for hundreds of years. Many of us are already well aware of how much plastic waste is damaging the planet. It is scientifically proven that the decomposition of discarded packets, bottles and other packaging...
Climatologists are concerned about the abnormal heat in Siberia
a Map showing where in may the temperature was warmer (red) or cooler (blue) than average for a long period of time. Photograph: Modis/NEO/Nasa Summer 2020 marked by the suppression of coronavirus infection, but this does not mean...
From the harmful effects of people can save half of the Earth
Our planet has long been in danger, but you can save Over the years of its existence, we have built on the planet a huge number of cities that are connected by long roads. Between them are various farms and fields in which livesto...
Precipitation from micro-plastic – what is the danger of a new phenomenon of nature?
multi-Colored micro-plastic particles and rain falls in protected areas In 1855, the English Metallurgist and inventor Alexander Parkes got the first plastic, which gave the name to parkesine (celluloid). 52 years later, the Belgi...
Where on Earth the cleanest air?
Clean air on our planet is, but it is far we All know about the strong pollution of urban air and from time to time go outside the city or even in Park. Relatively humid areas, in the parks and villages the air is very fresh, but ...
The amount of micro-plastic on the sea floor, shocked scientists
we All say that nature is polluted with human waste. It is really so. Around us lots of dumps, which are constantly replenished. Something, bypassing the landfill (or them) falls into the ocean and floats there in the form of tras...
The glaciers of Norway discovered things the Vikings of the ninth century
What do you know about the Vikings? the Vikings is the sailors of the early middle Ages, who lived in the VIII—XI centuries. It was mainly the tribes living on the territory of modern Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Outside their nati...
Has the air cleaner in the world because of the pandemic SARS-CoV-2?
the Pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 has an impact on every aspect of a once familiar life. At the time of this writing, the disease has claimed the lives of more than 40 thousand people, and the number of infected close to a million. Socia...
How plastic trash affects the health of fish?
We have many times mentioned that our planet literally . Bottles, plastic bags and other plastic products can be seen with the naked eye, but the world is also invisible to us microscopic particles of microplastics. According to t...
Four ways to stop global warming
I Think humanity ever really die. Now many people fear that the cause of our destruction , but we should not forget that humans and all living creatures on the planet could finish . For the first time on a gradual increase in temp...