The largest objects in the Universe


2019-07-15 21:40:15




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The largest objects in the Universe Source:

The universe is huge. It is difficult for us to imagine her true size. Scientists say that since the Big Bang it expanded so much that she . We cannot see the entire Universe, but its those places that are open to our sight also contain many secrets, puzzles and other unusual things. In the past we've written about . Today let's talk about the single: from the largest asteroid and ending with the greatest galaxy in the visible space of the cosmos.

background: One light-year — is a unit of distance measurement in astronomy equal to the distance that light pass in vacuum in one earth year.

the largest asteroid in the Solar system

Previously the largest asteroid in the Solar system was . The diameter of the object is about 950 kilometers. Second in size was considered Pallas with a diameter of 512 kilometers. But Vesta took the third place of the largest known asteroids in the Solar system, second in size to the Athena, but ahead of her on the ground.

After scientists moved into the category of dwarf planets, Pallas began to occupy the top spot the biggest (in size) asteroids in the Solar system. However, the astronomers said the size of Vesta and found that it is more of a Pallada. Diameter of Vesta is 530 kilometers. Thus, Vesta was not only the largest but also the most massive asteroid in our Solar system.

See also:

the largest satellite of the planet in the Solar system

Comparative sizes of Ganymede and other satellites of the Solar system and Earth

The Satellite of the gas giant Jupiter's Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar system. Its diameter is 5268 kilometers.

Ganymede is one of the four largest moons of Jupiter, along with IO, Europa and Callisto, first discovered by the Italian mathematician, philosophers and astronomer Galileo Galilei. The name Ganymede until the mid-20th century, was not used. Galileo called them to open the satellites "Medici planets", and the Ganymede — Jupiter III or "the third satellite of Jupiter".

Scientists believe that beneath the surface of Ganymede , where the water contains much more than on Earth.

See also:

The great companion extrasolar planets

The star WASP-12, located at a distance of 870 light years from us is an exoplanet . Recall that called exoplanets planets outside the Solar system.

In 2012, the planet WASP-12b was investigated by Russian scientists. They suggested that she . This possibility was based on the analysis of brightness (Shine) stars. The peculiarities of changes in the gloss it is possible to calculate what proportion of the area of the disk of the star covers the satellite. Scientists believe that the satellite has a radius of 0.57 of radius of Jupiter (he is 6.4 times the size of Earth). Such a great size and allowed to assume the existence of the satellite.

The largest planet in the Solar system

With a diameter of 142 984 kilometers Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system. Along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Jupiter is classified as a gas giant.

The Mass of Jupiter is 318 times the mass of the Earth. It is 2.5 times heavier than all the other planets in the Solar system combined. Giant is located at a distance of about 770 million kilometres from the Sun and makes a complete revolution around the sun approximately in 11.9 earth years.

Perhaps the most famous feature of Jupiter is its (BCP) – a storm that continues on the planet for over 300 years. Spot diameter larger than the diameter of the Earth.

The biggest rocky exoplanet

the Artistic representation of the planet BD+20594 b

The biggest was a rocky exoplanet space telescope "Kepler" in 2016 in the constellation of Aries, in 500 light years from us. The object, designated BD+20594b, heavier than Earth about 16 times and has a radius 2.2 times larger than the earth.

Previously, the largest rocky exoplanet was considered to be Kepler-10 c. Research said that this planet has a radius, which is 2.35 times larger than the earth, and its mass is about 17 more than Earth. However, more accurate calculations carried out in 2017, has allowed to establish that the planet Kepler-10c just 7.4 times heavier than Earth and its composition is closer to the gas giants.

The largest gas giant outside the Solar system

To Determine the largest exoplanet class gas Gignac – not an easy task. Scientists need to consider many things. For example, in space there are objects so huge that they can hardly be called planets. They rather resemble a star. At the same time their weight is less than the minimum necessary to sustain nuclear reactions of hydrogen burning and become a star. Such objects are called .

Allegedly the largest exoplanet-class gas giant, among the discovered at the moment is HD 100546 b, opened in 2013. It is located in 337 light years from Earth. Scientists believe that HD 100546 b 6.9 times larger and 20 times heavier than Jupiter.

the biggest star in the Universe

Currently, the biggest star not only in our galaxy , and the Universe is a red hypergiant UY Shield. It is about 9500 light years from us. Scientists estimate that the radius of the Shield is equal to UY 1708 radii of the Sun, but it is constantly changing and can reach 2100 solar radii. The diameter of the star is 2.4 billion kilometers.

Size of our Sun and the stars UY Shield (with a magnification of 7 times)

To understand:if the Sun is to draw a small circle with a diameter of 1 mm for UY Shield will need a circle with a diameter of 1.7-2.1 metres! If you put UY Shield in the center of the Solar system, its photosphere (the emitting layer of the stellar atmosphere) will encompass the orbit of Jupiter.

According to modern astronomers, the star UY Shield 340 000 times brighter than our Sun.

See also:

the biggest black hole

If you believe , about 17 billion light years away, in the direction of the constellation Virgo, is presumably the most massive black hole in the known Universe. The object is very difficult name SDSS J140821.67+025733.2. It is located in the direction of the constellation Virgo.

The Mass of an object SDSS J140821 easily elevates it to the rank ultramassive black holes. The value of this parameter is almost 3 times greater than the mass in the lead up to this ultramassive black hole quasar , whose figure is 66 billion solar masses. By the way, recently, scientists explain how such supermassive black holes could appear in the Universe.

See also:

the largest galaxy in the Universe

The weight of the new leader is 196 billion solar masses. It has a diameter of 1.17 trillion kilometers. It is more than 98 times greater than the diameter of the orbit of Pluto in the Solar system.

The largest size (but not mass) of the galaxy in the observable Universe is a tiny galaxy called IC 1101. Its diameter is about 6 million light-years. In other words, to overcome the distance from one edge to another, light takes 6 million years. Its size IC 1101 owes many collisions of much smaller galaxies.

The Galaxy IC 1101 is located approximately one billion light years from us. It contains about 100 trillion stars. For comparison: in our milky Way galaxy may contain 200 to 400 billion stars.

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