10 high profile cases when the scientific laurels went not to the


2017-05-30 15:00:13




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10 high profile cases when the scientific laurels went not to the Source:

In school we learn about all scientists because they have made invaluable discoveries and found a lot of important decisions in everything from horrible diseases to brilliant technologies. However, the history is often not what you see in the news. Science is often fueled by competition and the race for the championship. Great scientific achievements require team work and everyone wants to have his name stood first on the list of authors. In the history of science many times it happened that the name of the discoverer was replaced by another. For example...


the Double helix

Open a form DNA has become one of the most famous and important discoveries in the history of science. It has allowed scientists to really understand how DNA works and how bound together, and was preceded by a giant breakthrough in the field of biology.

The Scientists who "discovered" the double helix, won the Nobel prize for your invaluable work. Prize was awarded to James Watson, Francis Crick and the less well-known Maurice Wilkins in 1962. Undoubtedly, it was a team effort. But the main character, Rosalind Franklin, was left in the shadows.

This is not the first case when a woman was expelled from science. That the Nobel prize was awarded to the trio of scientists, four years after the premature death of Rosalind for ovarian cancer. Maybe, if she was alive, she would fight for its rightful place in the list of winners.

Although Rosalind Franklin worked in the same lab as Maurice Wilkins, they participated in different projects related to DNA. This laboratory was the first to use x-ray image to view the DNA. These pictures show the double helix structure became apparent.

At the same time, women did not have full access to the labs. Say, Rosalind and Maurice fought, and Wilkins treated Franklin as assistant. Ultimately, Watson, Crick and Wilkins have excluded Franklin from a list of authors most important work of the century.



Charles Darwin is the father of the theory of evolution and was one of the most talented naturalists in the world. He studied biology, when there was no Google or portable cameras, or even tiny computer that you can carry in your pocket.

When Darwin went on the HMS Beagle on a journey that led to the emergence of the idea of evolution, he drew thousands of images of previously unknown types manually and sent them back to Oxford for further study. When he came back to life, which is not followed in the Holy footsteps of his father and was expelled from medical school, Darwin had a new idea. The next ten years Darwin continued to collect ideas about evolution together.

Darwin worked mainly with bugs and wrote "On the origin of species". The book was published in November 1859, about 10 years after its completion.

During this time he shared his thoughts and pictures with a young man named Alfred Russel Wallace. Wallace was young enough to be the son of Darwin, was fascinated by naturalism. Learning about the theories of Darwin, he came to the same conclusion that Charles: evolution was the cause of everything. Wallace began to write about this myself, with the intent to publish.

Meanwhile, Darwin postponed the publication of two related reasons. First, he wanted to protect his wife and daughter, and secondly, the religious community has placed him in shadow. He was afraid that his atheistic views will be met with anger and cruelty. And although he was partially right, the threat that his friend and teammate the first to write about evolution, Darwin was forced to release his legendary book.



Most of us connects the first study of the stars and astronomy the name of Galileo Galilei, although he was not the inventor of the telescope. The first telescope was created by a man named Hans Lippershey in 1608.

The Lenses and the telescope was invented many years ago, but Lippershey first tried to patent his product. Although many people ascribe to him exceptional the invention of the telescope, in the end, he refused to patent and officially it was credited to three people: Lippershey, Zacharias Jansen and Jacob Metius. The telescope, which they did, was only capable of a threefold increase, by the standards of modern technology ridiculous.

Galileo learned about a simple telescope, which used one concave and one convex lens so that the objects become larger and closer, about a year after the invention. He has improved it in one night. Improve your new telescope, he presented the idea to the Senate, forcing many to believe that Galileo invented the telescope.



The TV may not seem "scientific" discovery, but in any invention or otherwise laid science. The technical aspects of television in the highest degree scientific, although the TV can not be called a tool used to promote science in General.

The Question of who owns the invention of television, has long been debated. The answer is hard to find, because in the invention it involves a lot of participants. Although there were precursors and pre-invention associated with sending image and sound without wires, think created by two people at the same time to work on it: born in the USA by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, and born in Russia, Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin. Ultimately, Farnsworth received royalties for sales of televisions, although the first Zworykin received a patent for his invention.

Zworykin patented the iconoscope, the electron scanning tube, which was used to project the image. A short time later Farnsworth was able to display the transmitted television signals, using a slightly modified scheme of the original electron scanning tube.

These differences were discussed over the years and ultimately went to trial. Although Zworykin is considered the author of the original idea, it was not fully functional until it is modified Farnsworth. The case was settled when the court summoned the teachers of science Farnsworth, who confirmed that Farnsworth told the teacher about their ideas of the electronic scanning tube at the age of 14 years.



When the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first widely spread, panic broke out: nobody knew what caused the terrible disease. All the people knew is that he was in the air.

The Scientists began to carefully study the virus, and it was harder because spread of different strains. The finish line was moved every time when there was a small breakthrough. In the scientific world there was a wild contradiction on the subject of who owns the discovery of who is responsible for it, and what is the meaning of this opening the face of constantly evolving disease.

In 1983, the Parisian Luc Montagnier discovered a virus that was believed responsible for the AIDS retrovirus lymphadenopathy (LAV). However, when Montagnier sent the virus for further study, he accidentally sent another, more powerful strain LAI.

Around the same time Robert Gallo found the virus, which, as he believed, responsible for all: IIIB. Montagnier and his partner françoise Barre-Sinoussi ultimately received the Nobel prize for their results, although the Gallo virus was almost identical to LAI. This ruined all the relationships between scientists, as Gallo believed he deserves recognition for his work.


Atomic bomb

As we know, there is always a lot of controversy when talking about races between countries for the right of superiority in anything. During the war, competition can be particularly nasty, as is the case with the first invention of the atomic bomb.

During the Second world war, the Soviet Union made tremendous efforts to have his spies out the secrets to developing atomic bombs in the US and the UK. The study began in Britain in 1941, and spies of the Soviet Union years deftly evaded detection. Since the Soviet Union built their own atomic bomb just four years later, in record time, it became apparent that some information they still "borrowed".

The Soviet Union was able to buy secret information from British and American spies. There are several theories as to why this could happen, from a secret hope for communism to thinking about the world.

It is believed that some spies were trying to stop the development of nuclear bombs because they believed that there will be less destruction if both countries have equal powers and technology. Knowing that your opponent has the ability to inflict nuclear strike kept many of the leaders of the States.

Codes that are passed back and forth, have often been compromised by the Venona project, the American program to decrypt messages, which eventually led to the arrest and deaths of several spies.


light Bulb

Thomas Edison had few competitors in the attempt to invent the light bulb. The most notable was Joseph Swan. A pair of scientists supported the achievement of each other in a conscious race to victory.

Swan started experimenting with light bulbs before Edison, but the technology was very crude. To suck the air from the glass of bulbs required vacuum pumps. Only 10 years after the Swan began to experiment, pumps have become quite powerful. Swan introduced his light bulb in February, 1879, eight months before Edison introduced his own.

Although the Swan is really the first to invent a working light bulb, Edison improved the idea and made the light bulb possible for use in everyday life. Two lights were identical in appearance and almost identical to today, have used the platinum wire and the carbon to generate light.

But the light bulb Swan needed a powerful electric current that causes the bulb to heat up and glow. It was uncomfortable, and the lights lived ridiculously small, was impractical. They also threw away the heavy soot which quickly covered them inside and made useless.



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