Special camera showed how birds are guided in the trees


2019-01-25 06:45:10




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Special camera showed how birds are guided in the trees Source:

Have you ever Wondered how birds manage to live and raise Chicks in the dense foliage of tall trees? Most of them , perfectly distinguish red, green and blue colors, but their vision is one feature that allows them to easily navigate in the vegetation. To show exactly how birds perceive their primary habitat, Professor at Lund University Dan-Eric Nilsson armed with a special camera and took a very interesting photo.

It shows the main feature of visual perception in birds, unlike people, in addition to the colors they can detect ultraviolet light spectrum. The photograph shows that thanks to the additional spectrum birds see a more contrasting picture: the leaves in the foreground seem light, and on the back is darker. Due to this, birds have a more three-dimensional image that allows them to easily navigate the tops of the trees.

To remove a photo, the Professor and his assistants used a multispectral camera with a number of optical filters. They are mounted on special wheel rotating about the lens — this way you can simulate the vision system of various animals. The authors of the study used four filters that mimic the photoreceptors found in the retinas of some birds.

According to Professor Nilsson, humans and animals if live in different realities. People often see a flat picture, whereas animals are able to look much deeper. Devices such as multispectral camera with lenses, can tell a lot about the animal world.

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