Whether you want to classify sugar as a drug?


2020-07-18 20:20:10




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Whether you want to classify sugar as a drug? Source:

First Global report of the world Health Organization on diabetes showed that 422 million adults live with diabetes, mainly in developing countries.

What do you think, sugar is a drug? This issue has been discussed for decades. Sugar titillates our dopamine receptors exactly the same way as alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, encouraging a reward system of our brain. Scientists know that excess sugar is the culprit of a number of life-threatening diseases. But even taking this into account, the consumption of sweets throughout the world continues to grow. No responsible parent would let their kids eat candy for Breakfast, but this does not mean that they do not get the equivalent dose of sugar in many Breakfast cereals, juices, and even seemingly healthy options such as oatmeal and jam. The results of the study 2017 that half of the daily intake of sugar kids get in the morning.

why do we need sugar?

The Human brain absorb sugar, just like a Hummingbird to some extent, of course. The world health organization (who) in 2014 took 25 grams of sugar per day as the tolerable limit. However, almost any bottle of fruit juice or water – organic, fresh, cold-pressed and processed five times exceeds the established norms. That's why children develop the same disease , and why some experts urge to classify sugar as a drug.

To combat this trend, some rely on poorly understood mechanism «cleansing the body from poisons and toxins». This too has its dangers. Thoughtless use of these products for weight loss as green tea, milk Thistle and Valerian root can cause serious health problems. It is necessary to consider the added sugar in condiments, nut Butters, sauces and dressings, and maintain an acceptable level is a challenging task. Read more about how sugar consumption affects the brain of my colleague Daria Yelets.

the Results of earlier studies have shown that sugar acts on the brain much like cocaine

Interestingly, the use of sugar began for medicinal purposes and not as a food source. It spread through the Arab kingdoms in southern Europe, but still were considered (and evaluated) as a rare spice. the Ubiquitous today, sugar was once vaunted substance associated with slavery and colonization. the Economy is fueled by them. The growth of production due to the British invasion in the tropics sugar on a daily basis used to facilitate tannin-load of tea, and We were on the hook.

And how much sugar you consume? The answer will be waiting in the comments to this article, as well as

Accessibility create dependency. Just think what happened with mobile phones, once rare luxury. Like technological dependence, exploiting the boredom and novelty, sugar exploits the aversion to bitter tastes —or, more likely, allows us to forget what a wide and varied range of tastes useful. The deceitfulness of sugar lasted a Millennium, but it captured us in the 19th and especially the 20th century.

Watching the condition of the subjects who consumed too much sugar, the researchers came to the conclusion that it is possible to slightly reduce its consumption and to be healthy to drink one or two sugary drinks per day instead of three; or, if you have children, allow them ice cream only on weekends, not as daily treats. But if we take years, decades or even generations to reach the first symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, it is possible that even this seemingly moderate amount of sugar is too great, so we can turn the tide and regain lost health. And if the symptom that appears first, it's not weight gain, as for example cancer, then you really are not lucky.

Sugar assorted looks.

In their paper, the researchers of Course, a few cigarettes a day is better than tutu, but is it really? The problem is that sugar is prevalent in countless foods and in large quantities in alcohol. Just as alcoholics often do not recognize their illness, sugar addicts are blind to the damage he inflicts. And just as some alcoholics recognize the problem, but do nothing to address it, the rejection of dessert or a midday candy seems implausible and insane. Life is too short to deny yourself the pleasure, says the dependence, even if that life is getting worse.


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