How NAPs affect heart health?


2019-09-24 23:40:09




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How NAPs affect heart health? Source:

For his life, he sleeps from 15 to 30 years

How do you feel about ? According to the results of a new study, a positive effect on heart health. Note that we are talking about a short sleep. Our regular readers know about the benefits of sleep and the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on health. Every time you sacrifice sleep to pursue other interests, according to experts, you strongly risk, as lack of sleep correlates with cardiovascular diseases, obesity and even the development of depressive disorders.

How NAPs affect your health?

In Addition to the most obvious consequences for the body, lack of sleep is directly linked to . A new study published in the journal Heart, confirms this. Scientists have found that people who slept in the day once or twice a week were less at risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, in contrast to people who led a healthy lifestyle, but did not sleep during the day.

In the study, which lasted 8 years, was attended by about 3,500 men and women aged 35 to 75 years. The subjects gave researchers information about the propensity to day dream, and the place of residence and lifestyle. All subjects also completed the medical exam, which revealed the state of their health. More than half of the participants told the researchers that . Only 667 people said that slept in the afternoon from one to two times a week, and 370 reported that they regularly sleep during the day.

If you have free half hour in the afternoon, spend the most of it

In the course of the study, 155 people had problems with the heart. Scientists discovered that the habit to NAP during the day once or twice a week reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. At the same time, the researchers note that excessive daytime sleepiness may indicate the presence of certain diseases. According to scientists, a short NAP helps to relieve stress and to compensate , thereby positively affecting heart health.

According to numerous studies, a lack of sleep contributes to many diseases such as type II diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety disorders and . So if you, for whatever reason, is unable to sleep properly at night, do not neglect a NAP. Scientists recommend sleeping a day not more than twenty to thirty minutes once or twice a week.

Why do people over 65 need to sleep at night?

Researchers, however, noted that the use of daytime sleep for people over 65 years is questionable. More specifically, in the study, the researchers found no relationship between daytime sleep and its positive effect on the heart in older people. Experts believe that at this age people have in General more health problems, and their daily sleep exceeds the recommended twenty minutes. At the same time, scientists have not identified a link between sleep duration and heart health, while a number of previous studies have referred to the relationship between long sleep and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

the Use of daytime sleep for heart health in older people has not been proven

And you sleep during the day? Let's discuss it in comments and members

Also do not forget about the fact that the study had several limitations. So, scientists relied on data that told about themselves and their habits subjects themselves. But human memory is known to be imperfect. Nevertheless, this study confirms that a short daytime sleep — this is a healthy and helpful habit. Experts agree that 20 minutes of sleep a day improve mood and performance, and also make a person more attentive.


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