The secret of eternal life hidden in our cells


2018-05-09 19:00:15




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The secret of eternal life hidden in our cells Source:

Once a powerful Sumerian king named Gilgamesh went to the machinations, as is often done, the characters of myths and legends. Gilgamesh witnessed the death of his best friend Enkidu and fearing a similar fate, went in search of immortality. The great king was not able to find the secret of eternal life, but not particularly grieved because of his exploits will live much longer than his mortal years.

Fast-forward four thousand years plus or minus a century, and Gilgamesh, known to this day, despite the passage of time, would be happy to know that today, many have engaged in the search for longevity. But instead of fighting epic monsters and the most cunning of the gods, the people engaged in science and business, to extend their life and uncover the secrets of human biology.

Among them was Aubrey de grey, biomedic gerontologist, founder of the SENS Research Foundation, which is looking for opportunities to improve regenerative medicine and its application to age-related diseases. Means SENS Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence. This term de grey describes a wide array of (seven, to be exact, points) medical interventions which can cure or prevent various types of molecular and cellular damage that eventually lead to age-related diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's.

Many of these strategies focus on the aging (senescent) cells that accumulate in tissues and organs with aging people. Not quite dead, senescent cells stop dividing but remain metabolically active, spewing all kinds of proteins and other molecules that can cause inflammation and other problems. For a young body is not a problem (and probably partial maintenance of a common biological functionality), because a healthy immune system can handle it.

But as aging senescent cells continue to accumulate, and at some point the immune system fails to cope with them. Welcome to old age.


Of mice and men

Researchers like de grey believe that the treatment of cellular bases of aging can not only prevent disease but also significantly increase the human lifespan. How? According to de grey, in biblical proportions — forever.

De grey says that science has made great progress over the past 15 years. For example, scientists have learned how to copy mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus. Mitochondria are the power plants of cells, but are highly vulnerable to mutations that lead to cell degeneration. Copy mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus will help to protect it from damage.

Another achievement, which was achieved six years ago, was that scientists first figured out how to kill senescent cells. This discovery led to new experiments on mice which showed that deletion of these cells is a ticking bomb prevented the development of disease and even increases the lifespan of rodents. Now this anti-aging are about to test on humans.

"I Think in the next few years will break the flow of the achievements — once I made the first steps, development will proceed progressive easier and faster," says de grey. "I think the chances are high that we will achieve a radical rejuvenation of the mice through six to eight years. We might be able to take mice of middle age and double their life expectancy, which is much more than can be done today."


around and Around

Richard Faragher, Professor of biogerontology at the University of Brighton in the United Kingdom, recently made a discovery in the lab that is associated with the rejuvenation of senescent cells by the chemical components found in chocolate and red wine. He hopes to apply his findings to animals in the future — in this case the horses.

"We were fortunate to receive funding from charitable organizations for consideration of possible methods of treatment of old horses," he says. "I think it's a great idea. Many aspects of physiology that we study in humans and horses alike."

Last year, Faragher and his colleagues demonstrated in an article published in BMC Cell Biology that chemicals based on resveratrol, a splicing factor involved in the regulation of genes. Chemicals causes the cells to rejuvenate and share like the young.

"If the treatment worked in the systems of old pony, I'm sure that they can be moved to clinical trials on humans," say Forager. "Time is a question solely of money. Under normal funding of a clinical trial could be held for five years."


Time is money, money is time

Faragher claims that recent breakthroughs are associated not with the fact that there are new technologies like artificial intelligence or a method of gene editing CRISPR, and with the paradigm shift in understanding of cellular aging. Solution to the "problem of aging" — the question is not technology, but money.

"Honestly, when AI and CRISPR deletes cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy or Duchenne syndrome Gaucher, I am much more willing to listen to the stories about the amazing progress. Fix one or more common genetic disease among the population using this cool stuff, and then we'll talk. I believe in the most powerful technological development of all: money."

De grey is more serious about the role that technology will play in the quest to defeat aging. AI, CRISPR, protein engineering, advances in stem cell therapy, the engineering of the immune system — all will contribute.

"actually there's nothing special about how these technologies will contribute," he says. "The feature that we require all of these technologies because they will have to repair many different types of damage, each of which requires a special approach."


about blood

A Startup from San Francisco believes that machines will play a big role in finding the right combination of factors that will lead to a long and healthy life — and then in the development of drugs that will take advantage of these discoveries.

BioAge Labs raised approximately $ 11 million in the past year on the development of its platform with machine learning, which looks at large data sets in search of blood factors, such as proteins or metabolites that are associated with biological age. According to the creators of the startup, these factors can predict how long a man lives.

"Our interest is related to research in the field of parabiosis when it was shown that the connection system of blood circulation from old and young mice so that they will have the same blood on two — doing the old mice are healthier and livelier," says Eric Morgen from BioAge.

Armed with this idea, it would be possible to change the good and bad factors to produce rejuvenation effect.

"the focus of the BioAge is paid to identifying these factors in the human data, the characterization of important molecular pathways in which they participate, and then use these paths," he says. "It's complicated, and we use machine learning for the extraction of complex data sets and determining which individual factors and molecular paths better reflect biological age."


Saving for the future

Of Course, there is no information about when any of these anti-aging therapies come to market. That's why Forever Labs, a biotech startup out of Ann arbor, Michigan, need your stem cells now. The company offers services for the cryogenic freezing of stem cells taken from the bone marrow.

The basis of the procedure, according to Forever Labs CEO Stephen Clausnitzer, is based on the theory of studies showing that stem cells can be a key component for the recovery of damaged cells. This is due to the fact that stem cells can develop into many other cell types and to divide endlessly to replenish other cells. Clausnitzer notes that thousands of clinical trials considering the use of stem cells to treat age-related diseases.

However, the stem cell has an expiry date, which usually coincides with the age at which most people begin to experience serious health problems. Stem cells collected from the bone marrow at an earlier age, can potentially provide resources for treatment in the future.

"We firmly believe that having access to their innermost reserves, you will be able to live a long and healthy life," he says. "There is good reason to believe that if you start to maintain the population of bone marrow, the number of cell nuclei in the bone marrow, and restock it so that it did not decrease with age, absolutely you can avoid cardiovascular disease, stroke and Alzheimer's".

Also, the stored stem cells can be used today to develop treatments for chronic diseases like osteoarthritis. But the most exciting prospects — and the reason he put his 38-year-old stem cells in ice — lie in the therapies of the future that will use stem cells.

"I can start to introduce them back not for the treatment of age-related diseases, and to reduce the lowering of the stem cells, so as never to hurt," he says. "I don't think you can compare it with immortality, but a step in that direction exactly."


be Careful with immortality

The Social consequences of more long-lived human species is guesswork. We know that by mid-century the world's population aged 65 years and older reaches the 1.6 billion; at the age of 80 years — nearly 450 million. If many of these people will be able to live a healthy life in your older years, you can avoid huge expenses on medicine and health.

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