The easiest exoskeleton in the world


2019-10-29 00:20:07




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The easiest exoskeleton in the world Source:

Exoskeleton developed by scientists from Korea

Recently, the exoskeletons of something from science fiction moved into the category of things successfully . However, if we are talking about a fully functional exoskeleton, they are usually quite bulky and heavy. But experts from South Korean University Chung-Ang has developed a lightweight, portable robotic suit, which boosts the speed of running and walking.

Why you need a exoskeleton

The exoskeleton is able to help in a variety of situations — from improving the physical performance of man to the rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the limbs and even the return of the function.

In our work we show that a portable exoskeleton that helps the extension of the thigh, may reduce metabolic rate by 9.3% when walking with a speed of 5.4 kilometers per hour, and by 4% when running at a speed of 9 miles per hour compared to movement without assistive devices. Accordingly, it will significantly improve endurance. — the researchers say in the abstract that describes the suit .

There are two big problems that we solve in this lightweight exoskeleton. The first of these is that the unit weighs considerably less than almost all other existing exoskeletons, which are designed to date. Consists of a fabric vest, belt and hip elements weigh only 5 pounds, making it not much heavier than the clothes that people wear in daily life. Components are connected the light wires and the battery and the actuator is created from lightweight materials that are also critical to reducing the weight of the device.

Second, the new exoskeleton works in two modes: in run mode and walk mode. This is important because these species move responding to fundamentally different biomechanics, and switching between them is not easy. As a rule, the exoskeletons are created for any one of these types of movement. Moreover, scientists who worked on the project, has created a special algorithm for gait analysis, which is able to correctly identify the walking or running more than 99.98% of cases. Due to this, the electronics independently adjusts the exoskeleton. Would you like a similar exoskeleton? Write about it in our

We expect that our exoskeleton will have a wide range of applications. For example, it can be easily used to assist in the training and rehabilitation of elderly patients. Or to improve the efficiency of training soldiers or firemen», — said Professor Jook Lee, one of the leading authors. In the long term, we envision this exoskeleton as a garment. Like the clothes we wear every day, but which improves our physical performance.

Of Course, the specific timing of the implementation of exoskeletons in General practice is difficult to call. However, this technology is commercialized now. Some companies to work in production. And all over the world are in full development in the creation of both light and heavy exoskeletons.

Military exoskeletons make it easy to carry heavy cargo.

In addition, do not forget that many things we use in everyday life, came to us from the military sphere. The same GPS was originally a purely military development. So why exoskeletons may not suffer the same fate?


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