Would look like the supernova from Earth?


2020-02-20 07:40:08




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Would look like the supernova from Earth? Source:

Beloved by many, the star may become a supernova. This opinion was previously expressed by many researchers. The fact that the brightness of Betelgeuse — a red supergiant — began to change in 2019. This means that sooner or later it will become a supernova — flash which seem to us most real celestial show. It is not surprising that the idea of the appearance of a supernova in the sky attracted the attention of the public. But thanks to new computer models, researchers have found a more accurate representation of what people see, when Betelgeuse will die. It will happen sometime in the next 100,000 years.

heavenly show of unprecedented proportions

First of all, good news — life on Earth will not suffer because of the death of Betelgeuse, as it is approximately 724 light years from our planet. But this does not mean that it will remain unnoticed. The researchers found that when Betelgeuse explodes, it will Shine as brightly as the Crescent moon — nine times weaker than the full Moon — for more than three months. Moreover, the supernova will be visible even during the day, and at night it can be seen with the naked eye. All the brightness from the explosion of Betelgeuse will be concentrated into a single point, like a powerful celestial lighthouse.

As writes the edition , in order to simulate this unique celestial show, astronomers used the program MESA+STELLA. They also added data observations collected during the explosion 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The researchers also report that by the time the remnants of a supernova explosion completely disappear, the Orion constellation will lose its “left shoulder”.

the image shows Betelgeuse before and after dimming. Observations made with a tool «sphere» on the Very Large Telescope of ESO in January 2019 and December 2019, show how the star has faded and changed as her visible form

However, if Betelgeuse will explode in the near future, we should not expect anything good. First of all we are talking about animals that use the moon for navigation and already confused by artificial lighting. The addition of a second object, such as bright as the Moon, might prove destructive. However, for us there will be hard times, as some time «night time» will not be simple. Recent results show that the brightness of Betelgeuse may vary for a number of reasons. Some astronomers do not exclude that the cause of the tarnishing of the red supergiant can be other reasons. Towards the end of life nuclear fuel in the cores ends and red supergiants begin to swell, forming a shell of gas and dust. And inasmuch as this shell becomes larger, the brightness of the stars increases.

Before you approximate the image of the constellation Orion (left) and one of the most clear images of Betelgeuse ever received (far right)

But whatever the cause, the strange behavior of Betelgeuse will eventually give researchers a better understanding of the processes of the death of these extraordinary stars. Today, the Betelgeuse gives astronomers a great opportunity to examine the latest stage of the evolution of Red supergiants, but it's worth it.

supernova stars — one of the most colorful phenomena in the Universe


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