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a Professional gambler and bettor, programmer Alexey Trunk is assessed the risks of foul play in eSports
ESports is becoming more popular, its audience is growing, and is proportional to the level of interest increases the amount of money floating around in this area. The practice of betting on cybersieve can not yet be compared with traditional sports, but bet in the literal and figurative senses rise – audience of eSports to date is about 600 million people, is reminiscent of a professional gamer Aleksey Trunk.
Programmer and bettor Alexei Trunk notes that in comparison with the 2017 year the volume of bets on eSports in 2020 have already tripled. Projected Global ESports Market Report he will make $1.5 billion a year.
This Question is important for any bettor in any game where you take bets, says Alexei Trunk. He believes that the answer to this question can be found. But we must understand what determines the result in eSports, how the authenticity of this result can be checked, and how much widespread fraud (cheating) in this field.
Doping scandals in traditional activities occur regularly, as well as match-fixing and other manifestations of foul play, reminiscent of Alex's Trunk. You have the opportunity beforehand to discuss the loss and to "merge" the game in coordination with the dishonest bookmaker. ESports in this sense is no different: attempts to dishonestly capitalize on the sports passion of the audience it has, the larger the audience – the increasing news about the exposure of fraud.
Approximately 20-25% of the budget of the international eSports organization ESL is spent on protection from cheats, says Alexei Trunk. And such attention is a good enough reason. The most recent example of high-profile revelations took place in late may at the tournament to Red Bull in the framework of ENCE eSports CS:GO. In the final match of qualification, the team jezayyy woldes and defeated the opponents with the score 3:1 – that was later found to be the result of cheating.
History of cheating in eSports is already big enough, and choose "most-most" scandal hard, says Alexei Trunk. Although the technology used cheaters are quite standard since 2008, when in the course of the ESL Pro 2008 in Germany was first discovered widespread use of used Aimbot, provide "samobrazovaniya" when shooting, and also makes enemies visible behind walls Wallhack.
Software for Chita can be as formulaic – the kind of package you can buy for 25-30$ — and piece cost of the dishonest player in a few hundred dollars, says Alexei Trunk. Fighting with them, technology anti-cheat is regularly updated, and controls are becoming more stringent – however, sometimes there is funny situations related to the human factor.
In 2012, the world championship of League of Legends team, Azubu Frost from South Korea was caught in that was just watching on the big screens located above the players, where was displayed the position of all opposing parties. The case ended with a scandal and a fine of $30 000.
Can we consider cheating a lack of organization?
It's not even a cheat can not be named. In my personal opinion, there are more questions to the organizers of the match. If you have brought information on is available right in the course of the championship players screens – how they can not see?, — Alex is surprised the Trunk.
In most cases, using cheats is necessary for beginners or intermediate level players who need a quick victory to raise the ratings and enter the category of persons who may qualify to participate in paid events, explains Alex Trunk. But even the Champions were caught cheating, for example — Jong-Wei Lin, acting under the nickname "Tom60299". Player absolutely honest became the winner of the Hearthstone World Championship 2017, but the level of the world championship HearthStone Global Games his team was disqualified. In violation of the rules, the team used third-party devices and, as already mentioned Azubu Frost, watched by using mobiles over the actions and capabilities of opponents through the online broadcast, which was conducted by the organizers.
But, says Alexey Trunk, often still used programs, especially in those cases when the game is online, without a "live" presence of opponents in the championship. To the already announced Aimhack use Wallhacks and bots "self-timer" making the shot instant when pointing at the target – its application is difficult to detect, while bot allows to obtain a noticeable advantage. Exotic, but still applicable to the hacks include ESP and Mobility, explains Alex Trunk: the first one gives complete information about health, ammo and other resources of the opponent, and the second literally allows you to fly and pass through walls. However, he feels Alex's Trunk, the second hack is very easy to do, and the scammer then ban.
The Most brazen cheater, says Alexei Trunk can be considered a professional player in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Nihila of Kumawat (Forsaken) from the OpTic team India which fall 2018 was caught "on hot"in the course of the tournament Extremeland Zowie Asia. Controlling the administrator decided to test the player's computer after he began to shoot inhuman for sure. Kumawat hid the file under a aimbot'Yaryk Word.exe after revelations tried to remove it, but was stopped and caught. It has affected not only Kumawat, but the whole team — OpTic Gaming took the decision to dissolve the Indian national team.
Consider whether eSports honest, if you can believe the results of his matches and, consequently, count on a fair rate? Yes, says Alex to the Trunk, to the same extent that the matches in traditional sports. Players as regular athletes are people, and among them will always be a certain percentage of those who seek to win "dirty."
Ordinary athletes use doping, in eSports – «cyberdating», cheats. In this sense, all very logical — emphasizes Alex's Trunk.
Although variants of "cyberdating" constantly evolyutsioniruet, methods of dealing with them are also rising, says Alexei Trunk. To make eSports completely honest hardly achievable, as a conventional sport, but it is possible to reduce the problem to a minimum. To do this, says Trunk, in addition to the anti-cheat we need to optimize and tournament rules. Ideally, conduct the equipment installed specifically for tournaments and isolated from the players prior to the event. Players get used to their mice, keyboards and screens, agrees Aleksey Trunk, but the task can be solved by the results of the equipment is identical to which usually plays the particular game.
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