Now - 12:22:19
a Familiar sight for the city.
According for 2016, mobile phones are used 95% of Russians. This means that every day millions of people not only communicate in im and but and call each other. Even if you prefer to talk on the phone, one way or another at least one time you called your family, friends or led business negotiations. Now stop for a second and try to remember — what do you usually do when speaking? You start to walk while talking? Or Vice versa, sit down? And maybe even go to a quiet word? But why is this happening?
We would Like to live in a world without the telephone? But for most of human history people lived that way. If you think about it, it wasn't too bad: dark evenings, by candlelight, dipping the pen in ink, people of all ages wrote letters to each other, thinking through every word. Not that we are today.
That All changed in 1837 — it then came the first Telegraph. Now information could be transmitted over a distance. But the real revolution happened later in 1876. Alexander Graham bell, a citizen of the United States of America created and patented his invention — phone.
At First he worked at a distance of 200 meters, but bell continued to improve his invention. As a result of his efforts is already in 1877, a year after the sensational start, the phone has become so modernized that the next time to change something it took only 100 years later.
it looked like the first phone in the world
However, the most interesting in this story is that bell invented by accident. In fact, the scientist simply wanted to send 5 telegrams. In the process, bell has secured several thin metal plates above the electromagnet. The same plates were installed in the apparatus, the transmitting telegrams. Current of different frequencies made them to verovati. And the plate in bell's phone had a different length and began to vibrate only at a certain frequency. It so happened that one of plastinok at some point failed that one very pissed off colleague Bella and he began to swear. This time Alexander bell was at the receiving office and suddenly heard the voice of his colleague.
it looked like Alexander Graham bell
Following the “telephone revolution” occurred in 1947, after the company Bell Laboratories put forward the idea of creating mobile phone. The only caveat is that the idea of the company, the phone was located in . Explain that in those years the weight of the phone was about 30 lbs. And is without power. However, weigh less than the phone was only in the 1970s, and only 14 kg And this is the first in the conventional sense mobile phone was released in 1973. Do you remember how was your first mobile phone? Share your stories in .
So we learned when and how did the phone can now proceed to answer the basic question — why we walk when we talk on mobile? Actually do not all. As I was preparing this article, I asked friends and acquaintances what they're doing while talking on the phone. Most admitted that they begin to walk, while someone leads the conversation sitting. As one friend admitted that she likes the sound of lying on the couch. We are all different, it is not necessary to forget about it.
One of the options of conversation on the phone
And yet, most do go during a conversation. If this is about you — continue in the same spirit and do not pay attention to anyone else. According to scientists, the answer lies in the fact that while talking face to face, the brain combines gestures, emotions, tone of voice and words. That is, when the interlocutor is right in front of us, the brain receives feedback.
But during a telephone conversation it is not. In this case, those parts of the brain that are responsible for the movement remain active.
Thus, the brain fills in the absence of the interlocutor, translating emotional reactions into motion. It turns out that if your colleague during a phone conversation stands up and begins to walk from side to side, he does not do it on their own. So his (or your) brain responds to the voice of a man that is not there.
And another thing: don't fight it — according to the research, during such unconscious walking burned more calories than during normal exercise. How do you talk on the phone?
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Comments (1)
2020-05-28 в 17:51:24
Technically, Alexander Graham Bell was a Canadian citizen (British subject in Canada) at the time of his invention. Source: