#. | Our impressions of new video games (part four)


2017-10-10 14:00:11




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#. | Our impressions of new video games (part four) Source:

We Continue to publish our opinion about the new video games that were available to everyone on the largest Russian exhibition "IgroMir 2017", dedicated to digital entertainment. Today we will talk about games like the upcoming smash hit Nintendo called Super Mario Odyssey, an adventure game based on the works of Tolkien's Middle-earth: Shadow of War, as well as medieval role-playing game Kingdom Come: Deliverance from the Czech Studio Warhorse.


Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Let's Start the story, perhaps, with the Shadow of War. Just today it went on sale for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One, so after reading this material you can easily purchase a digital copy for your favorite platform. We remind you that the game continues the story of Shadow of Mordor, which was released in 2014 and gathered a whole heap of various awards from critics. Importantly, both games are based not only on the books of the famous writer John. R. R. Tolkien, but also draw inspiration from film adaptations directed by Peter Jackson, so the style will seem familiar to many fans of these paintings.

As the main character once again acts as the Ranger Talion, a man possessed by the spirit of the elven king Celebrimbor. The protagonist with the help of one of the ring trying to form a private army to challenge the Almighty Sauron. Very curious that the virtual world of the game changes depending on the choices and actions of the player, making it more alive and dynamic. The developers are very proud of the fact that for each user the game will be unique, because people will make different decisions in different situations.

Game mechanics have been improved and refined since the release of the first game of the franchise. You still explore a huge world and fight hordes of enemies using various weapons, fighting and magic skills. The player offers a huge number of main and side quests, to which he can go dozens of hours of time. The first game was different because it was focused on the mindless slicing and dicing left and right. In the sequel, the developers decided to deepen the role-playing gameplay elements.

The game Looks pretty good, especially considering that it supports changing the time of day, dynamic weather system, as well as many other interesting visual effects that change the world. The battles still look as impressive, allowing almost bored, despite their copious amounts. Given that the game already went on sale, I strongly recommend to all not indifferent to the works of Tolkien and the first part of the franchise to review it.


Super Mario Odyssey

Who does not know the plumber Mario, who gave us game designer Shigeru Miyamoto? But in recent years I have often heard from many of his colleagues and comrades that the Japanese company stuck in the past, afraid of evolution in one of his most lucrative franchises. Mario even 25 years later remains the same platform, which acquires new elements, visual beauty, special effects, but is afraid to go beyond, created by developers back in the 80s. Apparently, Nintendo realized this too, therefore, entrusted the work on a new game of Super Mario Odyssey team of young game designers.

And young blood, no doubt, went to play the benefit. If you played the Super Mario Galaxy series, it should roughly imagine how the game looks and its mechanics. But the thing is that in the Odyssey, Mario travels to different planets and not even in his native Mushroom Kingdom, and unexpected worlds. For example, he will visit a virtual copy of the city of new York, the mayor of which is one of the well known princesses, also it happen to be in the Wild West, in the ice world, and even meet a real t-Rex from the past (apparently, this is a good-natured response to Yoshi).

Mario the game has a magical red cap, in which lives a spirit named Cappie. Throwing that hat, the main character can attack enemies and even use it as a platform to jump. But the main feature of this magical headgear is that if to throw it at any living creature, Mario is able to manage it, as it is transferred into his body. And therein lies the basis of the new game mechanics. This allows developers to beat millions of incredibly cool moments that will surely leave players enthralled.

The game Looks just fine. I still can't believe that tiny Nintendo console Switch is able to give such a wonderful picture with a lot of special effects, smooth animations, detailed terrain and other joys of life. In General, the demo version of Super Mario Odyssey, I was very pleased and now looking forward to the release of the game, which will take place on 27 October 2017.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Czech Studio Warhorse was created by the famous game designer Daniel Wawrow, which at one time was famous for his Mafia game. He even started working on Mafia II, but due to disagreements with the producers decided to leave the walls of the Studio 2K and start my own. As the first project of the new Studio was selected as a role-playing game, which action would have unfolded in the medieval Czech Republic – Bohemia. Money on the game decided to gather at the site Kickstarter. Developers instead of the planned 300 000 pounds was able to collect over a million, which marked the beginning of work on an incredibly ambitious project Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Initially, Vavra has set a goal to make the game as realistic and non-linear. The player will choose how to pass quests: good, evil, using cunning or utterly non-traditional approach. Unique combat system allows the first person to strike the hull of the enemy from different sides and also block his attacks. In the process of creating this system, the developers consulted with real fencers and tried to put on screen that actually sees people fighting with swords with a real enemy.

Role-playing game system is so cool that you can upgrade not only your character a million different parameters, each of which strongly affects gameplay, but can tune even own a horse. You need to remember to sleep and eat. However, this applies to NPCs who also live their lives: work, communicate with each other, perform some chores and so on. The open-world game, though small, but Packed all sorts of quests, side-quests, secrets and hiding places. To explore the entire game, it will take at least 30 hours. And considering that the game is incredibly linear, it can replay over and over again. And each time passage will be different from the previous one.

The Game takes us to a harsh world, ruled by harsh rulers and rights are always the one who is stronger. Here hours you can admire the medieval castles, dense forests and sprawling fields in the backdrop of a magnificent sunset. Developers do not hide that inspired many famous games like "the Witcher" or "Gothic", but I tried to create the most authentic game that brings a lot of innovations and real freedom of choice in an already established genre. Testing a demo of the game, I will tell you that I have no reason not to believe their words. This game is really very impressive and not like any other. Release Kingdom Come: Deliverance is scheduled for February 13, 2018. The game will be released for Windows, macOS, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One.

Below you can find the previous three issues of this cycle:



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