In Russia create a "smart" electricity metering system


2018-03-08 15:00:05




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In Russia create a Source:

Russian companies are developing on a new platform NS for control and accounting of electricity. It will help to reduce the consumption of electricity alone will capture data associated with the volume of its production, consumption, and can automatically invoice, — reports TASS.

According to the creators of the system, their project has the potential to be widely applied in the energy sector and will help to abandon the complex system of intermediaries. Simplicity, flexibility and reliability of the system, NS will allow you to quickly, universally and without intermediaries to implement and immediately begin to use in small settlements and in the cities.

After the implementation of the project consumers will be able to pay for electricity in the automatic mode, so the blockchain system will help avoid filling out paper receipts and online forms, and payment of a fee will no longer affect the cost of electricity. The founder of the project Ian Kaufman noted that in the future the project will become a multifunctional platform that can be scaled to other energy sector.

The Project to create innovative blockchain-a platform already became a member of the track Power&Energy start-up accelerator GenerationS from the Russian venture company (RVC), — was quoted by TASS press service of the Ural Federal University.

When it is planned to introduce a new system, developers are not reported, but, apparently, to wait not very long. Blockchain isn't a counter, it rewind does not work, so manufacturers are certainly interested in implementing such innovations in the first place.

Discuss the prospect after the introduction of the blockchain in the energy sector in our special telegram chat. And about the cryptocurrency. Well, about the place where you can discuss the news of high technology, already all have long known. .


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