Now - 16:14:38
The Last few years the concept of the "flat Earth" again gained in popularity. Hard to believe that in 2018 there is a whole community of people who believe that all the space agencies of the world deceive us, dutifully obeying the world government and palming off fake pictures of a round Earth from space. Some very very radical individuals do declare that no space is not, and can not be, because our flat planet is closed some the firmament.
Among the supporters of the idea of a flat Earth there are truly outstanding scientific minds that adds serious weight to this theory, take, or who declare in all seriousness that our planet like a pancake. Okay, it's all a joke.
From the perspective of science, the concept of a flat Earth, a few hundred years ago scientists disproved, of course, looks very silly, especially if you dig deeper and get to the arguments offered by its supporters. But today we will not go through them. Today we are interested in something else. Despite his madness, the theory of a flat Earth raises a rather interesting question: what would our world be if our planet really was flat? In fact, this question scientists have also repeatedly asked and even pretty good it was sorted out. So today we will talk about what would happen to our planet, whether it is flat, not round.
theIf you think that gravity pulls us all down, then you are mistaken. She pulls us to the center of the Earth. That's why people don't fall off the planet, relative to us being upside down on the other end of the world – the gravitational forces attract everything to the center.
It is very convenient, especially when you live on a round planet. If the Earth was flat, gravity would work here quite differently. Flat Land would be long and thin, and its center of gravity likely was located somewhere at the North pole, because he is the center of all maps of a flat Earth.
This means that everything on the planet constantly attracted to the North pole, and quite strong. And the more you would be moving away from the North pole, the stronger the gravitational force attracted you to the center. This force nothing could resist: the water would go from the coast, all the trees and plants would grow diagonally, and people probably would have sucked in a big ball in the middle of the Arctic.
theLet's imagine for a moment that the problem of gravity somehow miraculously solved. Maybe we started to have some special gravity boots or found that supporters of a flat Earth were right, and there is no gravity in principle does not exist and has never existed, and all around just naturally "falls" down. Even if we are not going to be attracted to the North pole, then we will have serious problems – we lose our magnetic field.
Magnetic field protects us and our planet from cosmic radiation and solar radiation. This field only exists because our planet rotates. If the planet will stop its rotation for any reason, this field will disappear. And soon we are right behind him.
First, the amount of radiation and radiation from space will easily pass to the surface of our planet. As a result, the Earth's ozone layer will disappear and, more importantly, the atmosphere, which will gradually dissipate, until eventually disappears completely.
The collapsing magnetic field and atmosphere will make us defenseless against asteroids and meteorites. We will be exposed to a constant bombardment of these objects, until the surface of our planet will not become like the moon.
theAfter all the above we would be left only a few days of life, however, and they would have to endure some inconvenience. It turns out that if our planet was flat, almost nothing of what we have created at the moment, would not work.
Without the mantle, the core, or the magnetic North pole would be completely useless compasses. Problems have arisen not only in humans but also in animals. Birds that use the magnetic field for navigation would not have known which way to fly them.
In addition, would be impossible of navigation by the stars – for us they would be standing in one place. Besides, the starry sky would be the same in the Northern and southern hemisphere.
However, the "fun" thing would be GPS systems that don't simply cease to work, they would have started to kill us. From the sky on our heads would start to fall satellites (currently about 1300) that-GPS never could stay on orbit.
theYou will not believe, but from living on a flat Earth would have its advantages. Very few of them, and in light of the demise of all life they would be useless, but nonetheless. One of these advantages, for example, was that we could see very far. Our eyes are much stronger than you think. And if the Earth was flat, then looked out the window, we could see what was being done almost at the other end of the country.
Living on a spherical Earth, we can't do that, because after about 5 kilometers of a planet bends. On a flat Earth view from the window would be similar to the view from the window of an airplane. Of course, some details would be vague or barely noticeable. But for a review it would have helped light. We could see the lights of the city, located hundreds of kilometers from us.
theScientists say that the tectonic plates created under a spherical planet. If moving the plate on one side of the planet, it interacts with the other plate on the opposite side of the planet. If the Earth was flat, of course, that rule would cease to work.
Exactly How the tectonic plates would work on flat Ground, it is unclear, however, if we assume that they didn't move at all, it becomes clear that, most likely, on the planet there would be relief change. There would be no mountains and plains, and the ocean would be a pool of water, evenly distributed across the surface of the Earth.
Even assuming that the relief is conceived in a certain way initially, it is unclear what to do with volcanoes, but they are incredibly important for our planet — thanks to them, in the Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen.
theAccording to most models of flat Land, Antarctica surrounds our planet a thick, icy wall that is needed in order not to leak water. In this case, one could never set foot on the Land of Antarctica, although, according to historical evidence, many have done this.
Against the existence of the ice wall says not only that in this case, would have to admit that all the people who have visited the Antarctic, lie, but what could happen with an ice wall in the case that the tectonic plates still move. Over time, this movement in the wall would be formed of the crack, from which emerged water.
theOn a flat Earth would have no seasons. If you don't like winter, then for you it would be good news, because on the planet there would always be summer. The fact that the seasons we change due to our planet's tilt axis. So, when in the Northern hemisphere summer, southern winter and Vice versa. Without this tilt, the seasons would be absent as such, especially if the North pole would be in the center. On the planet forever would have lasted one season.
However, the lack of seasons thing would not stop. If the planet has established the same season, and the climate is always on it would be the same. And this, in turn, would have created for various microbes and viruses the ideal conditions for migration. Every new disease that appeared in one or another region of a flat planet, would spread around the world with lightning speed.
theIf the Earth was flat, the wind on the planet was blowing in only two directions: South and North. This in turn would cause a global climatic disaster. The thing in the Eastern and Western wind and currents, since they are formed as a result of the rotation of the planet around its own axis.
Would Cease to act as the Coriolis force, on Earth, not only would stop the storms, but would not even run-down rain. Everywhere on the planet would be a drought. Perhaps the coastlines, the situation would have been a little better, but everything else would turn into a lifeless desert.
theAll that is described above, wouldn't matter anyway. If the Earth was flat, then life would quickly die because the planet would fall into the Sun. The reason again would be the lack of movement around its axis and gravity that enables the planet to revolve around the sun.
According to the classic model of a flat Earth, our planet is static. She is not going anywhere and is constantly under the coming Sun. If you assume that the Sun's gravity keeps the Earth simply attracted to the sun and fall on its surface. If, as proponents of the theory of a flat Earth, gravity does not exist, and the Sun – not a huge star, and only a small glowing ball, which is not more than 6400 km from the Earth, nothing will stop him, other planets and their satellites, including our moon, to fall on our heads.
theIf for a moment imagine that we do live on a flat Earth, and everything somehow miraculously works perfectly, then we encounter another problem, completely devoid of logic. This will mean that we live among millions of the LV...
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