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Developers MEEAudio know how to find interesting niches and produce headphones for them, covering the needs of buyers effectively and very inexpensively. This leads to the appearance of the hit models like the heroes of this review M6Pro generated for use by musicians.
In-ear headphones have become ingrained in the artistic practice as a means of monitoring on stage. Usually, of course, the use of custom megadriver «valves», but not everyone can afford such expenses. It is for these applications and created M6Pro: reliability, smooth frequency response, reasonable price are the key moments of this model, and, by cooperating with MEEAudio, they are your target audience know.
For thin aesthetes available in a choice of two colors (clear and dark gray plastic), but the price of both . Let's understand that the headphones are.
theDespite the low price, MEEAudio tried to make the packaging is stylish and unusual. Immediately surprised that the standard plastic «window» through which you can see the headphones are made side. Inside the box is also used to present novel ideas, but everything is pretty obvious, so let's focus on the important: the package. In addition to the headphones, you will receive:
theIn General, additional accessories developers traditionally have not regretted.
theOf Course, M6Pro designed for behind the ear wear, is probably the only valid option, taking into account their field of application. The body is made as compact as possible, used a simple plastic, although the thickness of it does not inspire fear for strength. Appearance slightly spoil the traces of mold, but for this price it's quite normal. Housing made of transparent, this allows you to see the filling, which consists in this model of dynamics, socket and connecting wires.
The Angle of the sound channel is chosen correctly, and the case is very compact, so headphones without any problems sit in your ears and provide good sound insulation (especially mnogopaltsevy nozzles). Since the protrusions or sharp edges exist headphones without problems worn for any length of time, the main thing — to choose the appropriate nozzle.
Wire a plug, because it's the part that will suffer most under active use headphones. Use a non-standard connector, but to acquire the wire can be themselves MEEAudio at a very affordable price. Complete wire of average quality — a bit prone to tangling, but for its price it is quite good.
If we talk about headphone design in General — everything is dictated by their use: comfortable wearing, good sound insulation, and endurance — that's what is sought (and achieved) by the developers.
theTo listen To the following equipment was used.
theBefore listening headphones was heated for 48 hours.
The headphones MEEAudio tried to make the most neutral and unembellished sound, and they almost succeeded, what did M6Pro on the one hand interesting, and on the other — not very universal.
Bass is probably the most flawless part of the sound of this model. For this price, bass is considered excellent: there is depth, and a normal study. Of course, the speed M6Pro behind the best samples «d» but most «classmates» confidence ahead. There is more or less a good study of texture, although hlestkost blows a bit not up to a great level.
The MF-band is completely neutral, it's positive side and negative. Good microcontrast and good detail can't be happy, but in terms of emotion headphones are completely dependent on the recording and the source, if they can not cope with emotion — the sound will be flat and frankly boring. However, to play fair is exactly what is required from this model. An imaginary scene at a good level on average in width and slightly better than average depth. The nature of the instruments is passed fine, but on bad recordings, they lack the expressiveness.
The high-frequency range is the main «stumbling block» these headphones. «Top» there is quite a lot, «Proshka» don't try to mask or smooth. This, of course, allows you to hear all the overtones and nuances of sound, but listening music for those who don't like RF, it will be very hard. In addition, M6Pro work is critical to the quality of the recording. Resolution RF — normal for the price range of attacks are practiced well, the damping is slightly worse, but also normal.
theHeadphones quite well from any source, including the most simple, but they have sufficient stock quality for the growth of good entry-level player. The genre model is better suited to styles where the important detail and no harsh treble. The recording quality of the headphones is quite critical, on a 10 point scale I would rate them at 8.
Traditionally, some tracks for example
Hugh Laurie — Vicksburg Blues. A wonderful example of modernized filing of the Blues. M6Pro well-played percussion and rhythm section, as well as decently cope with the transfer characteristic of the vocal.
Myrath — Time to Grow. Also nice these headphones cope with smart progressive: discerning the guitar parts, good transmission of the vocals, everything is present here. If a little muted treble would come out just fine.
Pink Floyd — Astronomy Domine. Pink Floyd with their large and complex sound is also quite suitable material for the heroes of today's review, they easily recoup all the components of the composition. Of course, for PF desirable tract much better and much more expensive, but in the budget segment M6Pro is quite good.
theVery popular model, stable demand, and not only musicians. Of course, the high-frequency range in M6Pro is not suitable for everyone, but many people like detailed and uncolored sound headphones. Complement its practical design and very humane price tag. By the way, hybrid model M7Pro is not far off, and it MEEAudio promised to think about the ordinary RF-foby.
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