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Under water can be found anywhere. Even the sounds.
Water generally is a very interesting element. Due to its properties, it very well conveys the sound. To understand this process it is enough to remember that sound — it's just a vibration environment which appears due to fluctuations of anything, and is transmitted into our ears, causing to vibrate the eardrum. The ocean is generally very mystical environment that has hardly been studied, and from the sounds that can be found in its depths, seem even more mysterious. Maybe it's tectonic movements, sounds, human activity or even the awakening of the Kraken. Whatever it is, we must deal with it. Try?
First, let's deal generally with how found the sounds under water.
Many sounds you can hear with the naked ear. An example is the sound of a motor boat or a knock on a metal pillar of a pier, when you swim near the shore and lowered his head into the water. Even fish that eat corals, emit a very distinct ”Munch-Munch” when you're relatively close to them.
There are more complex systems in order to capture the most quiet and distant sounds. For example, the equipment of submarines, which can fix the most quiet and distant sounds, to detect potential enemy.
But there are peaceful vessels which are equipped with special highly sensitive sensors. They need to explore what is happening in the ocean, and to record these sounds. This study helps to determine the habits of sea creatures and other things that may be important for the study of the oceans. Sometimes these sensors capture sound, which is extremely hard to explain. At least, scientists still can not do it, and we can only speculate and fantasize.
the Ocean is not so understood, to say that we know the nature of what is happening in it.
First of all, you should decide what sounds, about which we will speak, do not belong to the category of mysticism. Do they really exist and are recorded with special equipment. You'll even be able to hear them.
theFor the First time this sound has been fixed in the Pacific ocean in 1997 in coordinates of approximately 50° s. sh. 100° s. D. ironically, it happened in the place where, according to the book of HP Lovecraft, is the sunken city of R'lyeh, which is sleeping and waiting in the wings of Cthulhu. Many immediately thought that Cthulhu wakes up, and should start to be afraid.
not this horror will meet under water.
About ten years for scientists to understand what they're dealing with and what is actually Cthulhu does not even think to Wake up. The reason was very trivial and prosaic. So the sound of icebergs, which were cracked and vibrate, transmitting the sound of the water.
However, fans of the mystical and conspiracy theories still can not believe it and prove to each other that there is something very scary about what we just say. In short, as usual.
theIf the previous sound seemed mysterious to you, then pay attention to another who found military submarine even in 1960. Since then, more than 50 years, the nature of the sound remained a mystery.
In favor of the fact that the sound may have originated in animals, said that it was fixed every day, but strictly in certain times of the year. The sounds had a duration of 1.5-3 seconds and a frequency of 50-300 Hz.
And suddenly something can make sounds under water?
In 2014 alone, scientists have proved that such strange sounds of the Antarctic whales. The sound whales make just before to go in depth. In many ways, so to identify the source of sound for such a long time was impossible.
theFrom those sounds, we are talking about today, this will be the first that will remain unidentified. Indeed, so far about him is almost unknown. Any idea what it could be, but to say that cracked it, it is impossible.
This sound is found in the Equatorial Pacific ocean and gave him the name of Upsweep. As Bio-duck, it is characterized by seasonality, however, it is very loud to have . It is so loud that you can hear it almost across the ocean.
Volcanoes also can make sounds under water.
While scientists have not given explanation for this low-frequency oscillation, but one of the reasons of its occurrence are considered to be geological processes. Its source is in a region with high volcanic activity. In the result it really can be considered a result of geological processes, but yet say this before. Evidence of this as the reverse, yet.
theThe Following sound found on March 1, 1990. Something reminds a bit of cooing or whining,but very distantly. More it is, of course, just like regular low-frequency sound that comes from somewhere in the depths of the ocean.
The Sound was named Julia, and recorded it was an Autonomous network of hydrophones to the East . That is about where Upsweep. Its nature is also not yet solved, but in this case, scientists are more inclined to believe that it is not tectonic activity and destruction of icebergs. It is not clear how they can produce such a stable and long lasting sound, but they know better.
theOf Course, sounds in the ocean very much, but to tell about all makes no sense, and just you not be interested to read about it. In the end, I chose the most intriguing and talked about them in this article. In the end I will tell about one, which is called Slow Down.
This sound for the first time was written on may 19, 1997. It got its name from the fact that its frequency is gradually reduced for about 7 minutes. The sound was simultaneously located at a distance of about 5,000 kilometers away from each other, which testifies to its high volume.
Since it was recorded in the Antarctic Peninsula area, it has been suggested that with the sound of a moving iceberg has proscribe the seabed. Version looks very convincing, but boring. Again icebergs.
As you can see from the above examples, the main sources of sound can be divided in three. This geological activity, icebergs and animals — usually whales.
there Are sounds under water, but not in the ocean, of course.
Many sounds are still not solved and this gives rise to the formation around them a mystical aura, but especially zealous in this direction is not necessary. In the ocean a lot of things that can make sounds, but because of the fact that in water sound travels better than in the air, it is heard as far and often distorted.
Sometimes the sounds of the ocean are scary, but some of them, on the contrary, can relax and is set to be a very good background for the rest.
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