1 out of 4 adolescents and young adults suffering from addiction to smartphones


2019-12-06 06:20:09




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1 out of 4 adolescents and young adults suffering from addiction to smartphones Source:

Many young people around the world, perhaps, dependent on smartphones

Whether we like it or not, but today became widespread. Despite the many positive moments that gave us smartphones, people are still concerned about the potential harm of overuse. Especially when it comes to children and adolescents. In 2018 alone, 95% of young people aged 16 to 24 owned a smartphone, compared to 29% in 2008. However, along with the increasing use of smartphones, the latter showed that the mental health of young people in this age group have deteriorated markedly.

h2>What problems can arise from excessive smartphone usage?

Scientists from king's College London held the first ever systematic on "problematic use of smartphones," in children and young people. Researchers have identified the problematic use of smartphones as behavior resembling addiction — for example, feelings of panic, when phone is not nearby, or spending too much time using a smartphone, often to the detriment of other cases. Based on these results, the researchers concluded that a quarter of children and young people showing signs of dependence . Despite the fact that previous large-scale studies have not identified links between the use of the smartphone and the harm to mental health, the notion that smartphones are addictive, is still relevant.

how often do you use smartphone? Sure that not abuse?

However, the scientists often came to contradictory conclusions. This is partly due to the fact that in many studies, computers and smartphones but United by the generic term "screen time". Because of this, the researchers were able to overlook the fact that the damage often comes from how we interact with technology, not with some gadget. So, watching TV is very different from bullying in social networks. Some studies have only measured the total length of time spent , and not what influence on people's interaction with certain applications and sites. A group of scientists from king's College London decided to analyze the results on the use of teenagers and young people. They wanted to find information about the incidence of behavioral dependence on smartphones, as well as the prevalence of such behavior in this age group. In the course of work, the researchers analyzed 41 work published in Asia, Europe and North America since 2011. In total, they reviewed the responses 41 871 adolescents and young adults aged 11 to 24 years. Experts have determined that the Central features of behavioral addiction include:

  • a Strong desire to use the smartphone;
  • the
  • Spending more time than expected;
  • the
  • the Emergence of anxiety and panic if the phone is;
  • the
  • Neglect of other more important things for smartphone.

Abuse of gadgets is fraught with health problems

To determine that the young person is experiencing problems with the use of a smartphone, it needs to experience at least two of the above symptoms. The results of the analysis showed that from 10% to 30% of adolescents and young people showed two or more signs of dependence. Although the subjects were asked various questions in most cases the dependence is not dependent on the duration of smartphone use, and certain patterns that indicate a correlation: for example, feelings of panic, when phone is not nearby. Furthermore, the results of studies on the impact of smartphones on mental health showed that participants from the group of "dependent" is often reported , anxiety and problems with sleep.

However, the data are not entirely reliable. The fact that in contrast to the results of clinical studies, the responses of the subjects themselves may be inaccurate. Before to speak with confidence about the from smartphones it is necessary to prove that dependence causes substantial harm, in contrast to the conventional use of the gadget. Despite the fact that further research is needed, these results demonstrate that the problematic use of smartphones is common and probably due to the deterioration of mental health of adolescents and young people.


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