Game overview Everything: all in your hands


2017-04-17 14:00:12




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Game overview Everything: all in your hands Source:

Video games are different. There are hits of all time, back to which can be many years later. There are still rigorous producers, game designers and marketers can deliver a lot of fun, but leaving behind only emptiness. Another kind — is a game from independent (indie) developers that without pressure from the management do what they like and want. But there is another category. The most difficult. In appearance it is a typical creation of the indie scene is proving to be extremely controversial and complex works. One of these games and will be today. Welcome! Everything — a game in which there is everything and there is absolutely nothing.

Frankly, the review for this project was not planned at all, and the key press version came in the mail very unexpectedly, although I, that is, "never asked". Very long pondered whether to take Everything for analysis, and deciding a few days later you regret. Then happened something unusual — I got a taste of the game, and the idea behind it was to my liking. All subsequent days of Dating project, I spent not only playing, but also for finding different information. I was able to learn new philosophical current, to read a few articles on the structure of the universe, as well as to get acquainted with the work of one of the writers of the animated series Adventure Time and even watch a couple episodes of "South Park". How is it all connected? Learn now!

Let's Start with the "father" of the game. It is an Irish film Director and screenwriter David O’Reilly had a hand in some series South Park and the aforementioned Adventure Time. Everything — the second is the experience of David as a developer of video games. The first was project Mountain, released in 2014. The game was a simulator... mountains. With a total delusional of the idea that the Mountain had a great visual style and music. It was a very meditative game. And Everything in some way continues the tradition of its predecessor. Only now we have the simulator only. Absolutely everything that exists on our planet, in our galaxy and beyond.

Inspired by the introduction and look at the screenshots, many, I think, are a little perplexed. Such dissonance I experienced, for the first time running Everything. The game starts very strange. You control a cow that grazed in the meadow. And then, at the beginning, right here in this moment the game gives you the first kick army boot leaving a footprint, the outlines of which you can see the word "animation". The movement of animals in the game are implemented extremely unusual. Try to explain: the dog stands on its hind legs, and if you want, say, to move forward, the animal will turn first on the face, then back, then tail, and then you get back on your feet. Such "rolls" you'll have to move. Why is it only the four-legged. Bugs and birds moved quite normal. Oh yeah, the bugs and birds: at some point you will begin to learn to interact with the world. First you learn to find like-minded people and communicate with them, to gather in herds or flocks, to rush the entire group into the wind. But it goes beyond that. Very soon you will learn that everything in this world has a soul: animals, plants and even stones have their own "thoughts". As I continued to be perplexed by what is happening around, the game gave me a second kick, clearly opacityvalue track from which shone the word "schedule". Here it should be clear: the fact that Everything looks strange only in some places. "Long range" picture is very good. Great drawn world of viruses, plants and micro-particles, space and whole galaxies look just fascinating, but the animals and trees the artists have drawn very poorly. In General, the visual range, of course, not enough stars in the sky, and the picture, though sometimes does not look very modern, some things like control boat at sunset or explore the underwater depths in the guise of the shark is really beautiful. And beautiful from the point of view of the art design, the play of light and shadows and post-processing effects. Fans to read the pixels, the frame rate per second and the number of polygons picture is not impressed.

After playing with Plenty of animals, the Narrator (whose identity we will come back later) will explain us the rules of the device of this world and give the opportunity, finally, to manage all. With the "animal level" by pressing just one button you can become anything: a decrease to the size of a blade of grass or a microorganism, or become an island, a planet, a galaxy. This moment increase up to galactic proportions wildly reminded me of the final scene of the film "Men in black". If you remember, in the movie, the camera flew up and we saw the city, then a continent, a planet, flying through the stars, saw the milky way and in the end it turned out that all this is just one of the many balls to play Marbles, which the stranger casually adds to the overall bag. Here is something similar: when they reached the level of the galaxy and trying to increase even more, the game will bring us on a molecular level. And here we come to the most shit-kicking part of the game: philosophical implications.

The Above mechanism of the transition with the largest possible object on the micro level seemed to be a very entertaining, very familiar. Indeed, the game by such a simple visual transition refers to "the theory of infinite nesting of matter", or fractal theory. This theory highlights the fact that for each object, arranged in a certain way, there is a similar object of greater or lesser magnitude. So it turns out that any particle is included in its own system of particles. For Solar system particle system are planets, and galaxy particle system are "solar system" and so on. Good, though unscientific way to realize how small a grain of sand in the scale of the universe we are.

Returning to the animate objects of this world: from bugs to trees and planets, not to mention that it is also not an invention of the authors, and quite a existing a religious movement of Japan called "Shinto". According to Shinto, everything has its own spiritual essence, which the Japanese call "kami". Kami are not only spirits of certain objects, but are subject to a single deity. Thus, player Everything acts, on the one hand, as an ordinary inhabitant of this world, obeying his laws, and on the other — free to dictate the rules. But I also offer to talk later, because now is the time to return to the Storyteller.

If not for the press version of the game and a short abstract from the author, I would not have paid the Narrator so much attention. The fact that David’Reilly argues that the mechanics of the game based on the British philosopher Alan watts. He was one of the first researchers who tried to combine a modern understanding of Christianity and Asian philosophy. Watts said that the universe is a single organism, each element of which is a part of something bigger, where "everyone has their own thoughts and motivation." Alan watts would have been little known in the wider circles of the philosopher, if not the friendship of the author with Everything the creators of South Park Trey Parker and Matt stone, who animated several lectures English philosopher. This marked the beginning of a new culture of animated lectures that is extremely popular today in the Network. In General, the Narrator, to some extent, is our guide: explains the rules of this world, pours the scientific and historical facts, gradually immersing the player into the game, forcing them to believe in the reality created on the other side of the screen. If you by this time have not abandoned the passing game, but now you have, most likely, through the endless black space for dissecting the giant elk, the size of a galaxy.

The fact that Everything from the gameplay point of view it represents, so to speak, "galactic sandbox". You are free to do whatever your heart desires: everything in this game can interact with the whole, and the interaction is limited only by your imagination. You can link objects to each other, change their form and function, to increase the population of a species to travel between planets. So for most players, the decisive factor will be exactly how ready they are to entertain themselves and break the laws of this world. And it's capable of as not a little to inspire, and be forced to throw the project away.

What has been the developers no doubt, is the soundtrack of the game. Incredibly meditative, amazing electronic music, the motives of which always sound to the subject and absolutely no strain. If you are tired after a hard day's work or just want to relax — sit back comfortably and start the soundtrack to the game. Works perfectly, is checked up personally. To understand the coming of the Association both in terms of gameplay, and in terms of musical accompaniment — is a game Studio Thatgamecompany: Flower and Journey, but adjusted for the scale and a fair share of creativity Everything. So even if you're not going into the philosophical arguments, but Flower and Journey at the time to your liking, and Everything with the big share of probability will not disappoint you.

As such targets in the game, but almost every inhabitant Everything ready to give you a mini-assignment. The tree stands in the shadows and lacks of the sun, lonely animal wants to unite with his pride, birds need to fly to warmer climes, and the house (I'm not kidding now) wants to be on the outskirts in the forest, and in the cottage nearby. In General, if you like to entertain yourself, the game of David’Reilly will give you the freedom to do it! The game is already available for all owners of Playstation 4 and the PC goes quite ...


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