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Earthquake? A nuclear blast? Fission or fusion? We know even if the world leaders are lying. In the international arena there aren't many things more unsettling than the possibility of nuclear war. Many countries have warheads, some dividing, others with more lethal synthesis – but not all openly say that they have them. Some explode a nuclear device, denying it; others claim that they have thermonuclear bombs, when in fact not. Thanks to a deep knowledge of science, Earth and pass through the waves of pressure, we don't need to be the leader of the country to torture to learn the truth, said Ethan Siegel with
In January 2016, the government of North Korea said they detonated a hydrogen bomb, which promised to use against any aggressors threatening the country. Despite the fact that news agencies were shown pictures of mushroom clouds with a detailed description, the footage was archive; tests were not modern. Radiation entering the atmosphere, will be dangerous and a clear violation of the Treaty on comprehensive ban of nuclear tests in 1996. So if countries want to test nuclear weapons, they do it where no one can find the radiation under the earth.
In South Korea, report on the situation was terrible, but inaccurate because it shows the mushroom cloud is old footage, not related to the North Korean test
You can explode a bomb anywhere: in air, under water in the ocean or underground. All three of the explosion can in principle be detected, although the energy of the explosion will be "muted" depending on the environment in which distributed.
The Air, being less dense, the worst muffles the sound. Storms, volcanoes, rocket launches and nuclear explosions emit not only sound waves that can be heard, but also infrasound (long wave, low frequencies), which – in the case of a nuclear explosion – such powerful energy that the detectors around the world easily recognize them.
the Cloud of nuclear explosion over Nagasaki
Water is denser, and although the sound waves move faster in water than in air, the energy dissipates faster with the distance traveled. However, if a nuclear bomb explodes under water, the energy released is so large that the generated pressure wave can be easily perceptible acoustic detectors that are deployed by many countries. Moreover, there is no water phenomena that could be confused with a nuclear explosion.
Therefore, if the country wants to try to hide a nuclear test, it would be best to hold it under the ground. Although the generated seismic waves can be very strong from a nuclear explosion, nature is even more strong method of generating seismic waves: earthquakes! The only way to describe them – triangulation of the exact position, because earthquakes very rarely occur at a depth of 100 meters or less, and nuclear tests (so far) always held at a small depth under the ground.
To this end, the countries that signed the Treaty banning nuclear tests, has created seismic stations around the world to sniff out any nuclear tests that are conducted.
international system of tracking the nuclear tests, showing the five major types of tests and the location of every station. Only the currently active stations is known 337
It was this act seismic monitoring allows us to draw conclusions about how powerful was the explosion and in what place of the Earth – in three dimensions – it happened. Seismic event in North Korea that occurred in 2016, have been registered worldwide; 337 active monitoring stations across the Land were quite sensitive for this. According to the U.S. Geological survey, 6 January 2016 in North Korea, an event occurred that is equivalent to earthquake of magnitude of 5.1 points at a depth of 0.0 kilometer. Based on the magnitude of earthquakes and seismic waves that have been registered, we can recover the amount of energy released is of the order of 10 kilotons of TNT equivalent – and understand-was it a nuclear explosion or not.
Due to the sensitivity of the observation stations, the depth, size and position of the explosion that caused the Earth to shake on 6 January 2016, can be clearly to set
The most Important tip, in addition to the indirect evidence of the magnitude and depth of earthquakes, is based on the types of generated seismic waves. In General, there are S - and P-waves, shear or secondary and longitudinal waves, sometimes referred to as primary. Earthquake is known to produce the most powerful S-waves compared to P-waves, and nuclear tests give rise to a more powerful P-wave. And now, North Korea claims that it was a hydrogen bomb (fusion), which is much deadlier bombs division. At the time, the energy produced by uranium or plutonium bomb based on the fission reaction have a capacity of about 2 to 50 kilotons of TNT, the hydrogen bomb release energy thousands of times more powerful. Record of events of TNT equivalent.
the Explosion of the Tsar bomb in 1961 was the largest nuclear explosion on Earth, and became one of the most important for further determining the fate of nuclear weapons
The wave Profile obtained worldwide, says it's not an earthquake. So Yes, North Korea is likely to set off a nuclear bomb. But what? There's a difference between bombs based on the fusion and on the basis of dividing:
theMany people confuse testing with bombs and fission. But scientists distinguish their accurately
As for energy output, North Korea shaking was undoubtedly caused by a bomb based on fission. If this were not so, then it would be the most weak, the most effective Bang with the reaction of synthesis on the planet, even in theory, not create it. On the other hand, there is clear evidence that it was an explosion with a fission because records of seismic stations showed incredibly similar explosion in 2013, it's all the same to North Korea.
the Difference between naturally occurring earthquakes, the signal of which showed blue, and the nuclear test shown in red, leaves no doubt as to the nature of this event
In Other words, all the data that we have, point to one conclusion: at the heart of this nuclear explosion was the fission, not fusion. And it certainly wasn't an earthquake. S - and P-waves have proved that North Korea explodes a nuclear bomb, violating international law, but seismic reports, despite the distance, show that this is not a bomb synthesis. North Korea nuclear technology in 1940-ies. Even if world leaders lie, the Earth will tell the truth.
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