Now - 23:55:55
New proof of string theory discovered
Just a few years ago, it seemed that string theory was the new theory of everything. But today the string universe raises more questions than answers String theory is designed to combine all our knowledge of the Universe and expla...
Computer simulation proved that the "butterfly effect" does not exist
the butterfly Effect refers to the properties of some chaotic systems Well, science fiction fans – it's time disappointments. Remember the story of ray Bradbury «sound of thunder»? In this hunter fan named Eckels goes on...
Quantum "patch" can help people cope with the disease
whether the quantum patch become a promising technology of the future? Quantum technology for most of our contemporaries still something fantastic and extraordinary. However, the development of quantum devices has led humanity to ...
What if objective reality does not really exist?
Can what we see be what it is? Alternative and pseudo-scientific facts are often spread with lightning speed. Now, it seems, they were able to infect and science — at least, the quantum sphere. Despite the fact that science ...
The first ever picture of quantum entanglement
Physicists from the Scottish University of Glasgow reported an experiment in which scientists were able to get the first ever photograph of the particles. Phenomena by the standards of physics are so strange that even the great sc...
Latest experiment proved that the quantum message can transmit far faster than classic
Quantum computers are still a dream, but the era of quantum communication has already arrived. A new experiment conducted in Paris, showed that the quantum message is superior to the classical methods of information transfer. "We ...
Quantum computing will provide breakthroughs in chemistry. How?
it is Expected that quantum computing will allow us to solve computational problems that cannot be solved by existing classical methods of computation. Currently, it is considered that the first discipline that will get a boost fr...
"Quantum vibe" can reveal the secrets of matter
Over the last few years some materials were ground for physicists. These materials are not to be made of something special — ordinary particles, protons, neutrons and electrons. But they are more than just the sum of their parts. ...
What quantum theory actually says about reality?
the Demonstration, which turned ideas of the great Isaac Newton on the nature of light, was incredibly simple. It "can be repeated with great ease, whenever the sun is shining," said the English physicist Thomas young in November ...
Scientists have created the flux capacitor. But to travel in time to use it will not work
One of the most famous films about time travel Back to the future last but not least remembered for a hell of a stylish car brand DeLorean. The main item through which it is possible to make the time jump, was the flux capacitor (...
Superconductors that work at room temperature, will lead us to amazing technology
Superconductors can be called one of the most interesting and amazing materials in nature. Beyond any logical discussion of quantum-mechanical effects lead to the fact that the superconductors below the critical temperature comple...
Toshiba brings quantum encryption at a record distance
Researchers from Toshiba invented a new way to use the laws of quantum mechanics to send secure messages using modern technology. Using their ideas it is possible to send protected data to a distance of 550 kilometers. The encrypt...
Scientists want to find out whether we are quantum computers
There is a hypothesis, or rather a set of hypotheses, according to which our brain represents not that other, as biochemical quantum computer. At the core of these ideas lies the assumption that consciousness is inexplicable on th...
Physicists have found a way to see the "smile" of quantum gravity
In 1935, when quantum mechanics and General theory of relativity was very young, not very well known Soviet physicist Matvei Bronstein, aged 28 years, made the first detailed study on the harmonization of these two theories in a q...
Serious quantum computers are ready to use. What they can do?
In a small laboratory in the lush countryside about a hundred miles North of new York city from the ceiling hangs a complex tangle of tubes and electronics. Is a computer, albeit messy. And it's not a regular computer. Perhaps it ...
The experiments of physicists have proved the existence of a quadruple spatial dimensions
We live in a three dimensional Universe with three spatial dimensions and one of time. However, the experiments of two groups of scientists showed that the presence of the fourth spatial dimensions is indeed possible and it is not...
10 mysteries of space-time, which will be able to solve quantum gravity
the General theory of relativity, in which gravity is born due to the curvature of space-time, wonderful. It was confirmed with an incredible level of precision, in some cases up to fifteen decimal places. One of the most interest...
Is it possible to send a message, without sending anything?
We contact each other via the particles. Calls and messages are riding on the waves of light, websites and photos are uploaded on the electrons. All communications are inherently physical. Information is recorded and transmitted r...
Six examples where quantum computers will help us a lot
Computers do not exist in a vacuum. They solve problems, and problems which they solve, are determined solely by the hardware. The graphics processors process the image; the processor artificial intelligence provides algorithms AI...
Can human consciousness affect the physical world?
Perhaps one of the most intriguing and interesting phenomena in quantum physics that Einstein called "spooky action at a distance", also known as quantum entanglement. This quantum effect is the basis of quantum computers as quant...