Now - 05:33:39
Well, I got to almost serious equipment. Well, relatively serious, because, as before, the main criterion of the choice I price and I still try to consider the model initial price segment. But this time, on my review of the updated version of the compact quadric with a brushless motor from MJX.
I Think the company itself and MJX series Bugs — need no introduction, «senior» the beetle has become for many an affordable ticket to the world of flight, offering great value for money and functionality. Soon a series of Mini already positioned the company as a racing copter. Of course, to complete professional solution Mini Bugs so far, but in the role of trainer or trial for beginners this model will be a godsend.
As you can imagine from the name, this drone is the third revision of this version was added support for so-called ACRO-mode, in which the quadrics is not trying to stabilize its position with the help of gyroscopic sensors and relies solely on the remote control. Flying in this mode difficult (I still have not mastered it fully), but it is used to perform flips «hand» and other acrobatics. Mode is activated in a few steps: remote control, turn it off, remove one battery at a time (no this does not really work), switch the toggle switch to the right of the left stick return the battery in place and turn the console back on. As you can see, switching «on the go» we are not even talking, but on the other hand — but this mode will not turn on suddenly.
As the copter is quite tiny (240 mm × 240 mm × 65 mm), and its packaging is very compact. Fortunately, MJX quite familiar with the realities of mail the post-Soviet space, so the company has not stinted on the insertion of the foam to securely protect the contents. Inside, except for the quadric, you will find:
theTraditional Council for non-professionals from the same layman: direct install protection. Unfortunately, protective «guards» in this model are attached with a simple latch and serious collisions tend to be getting thrown (at least I do so). Fortunately, usually «the Apple fall far from the tree», and download and install the protection back is not working.
Traditionally, the first thing you will have to do (well, except for buying 4 AA batteries for remote controller) — charge the battery. To do this, use U-shape of plastmassa adapter connect charger cord with USB connector, which you need to include any suitable power supply and leave it there until the led indicator turns off. Charging takes about 3 hours and lasts a little less than 10 minute flights, so I advise you to immediately attend to a spare battery (or two), however, more than 3 pieces of them hardly need half an hour of flying most often with a margin enough to «enough».
If we talk about the design, the MJX can already be safely attributed to the companies that have «your face», in the case of Bugs 3 Mini the face is very cute. Constructed from high quality plastic (several major accidents confirm this) your own design (at least I have not found «source of inspiration), not lurid coloring. Quadrics has a fairly aggressive look, helped by the combination of black color with red decorative elements. In front of the «muzzle» is the lens, but the camera in the basic version of this copter is not only the flashlight, shining forward. However, if you want to try in FPV flying you can buy the camera separately and install it yourself, all you need to Bugs Mini 3 is. As a compact copter no landing legs are not available, he sits on the usual tabs at the bottom of the beams, so off to better place, devoid of grass cover.
The Remote overall is also very good. Of course, salsano-rounded design looks a bit «pop», but in his hands it is comfortable and handles really comfortable. The layout of the overall standard. Left stick controls the altitude and rotation in the horizontal plane, the right is responsible for movement. Since the drone does not have the height sensor, vertical movement of the left stick is not spring loaded. In addition to the sticks, on the panel there are:
theThe Second button, symmetrical button flips, is a common plug, this same fate befell «the Twister» in the upper right corner of the console.
One of the characteristic features of this model is «talkativeness», and the copter and the remote controller is equipped with speakers and a sound they love. By the way, in this model even realized the rudiments of telemetry, if the remote beeps often means your Bugs 3 Mini's going to fly away beyond the zone of reliable reception, if beeping is a little slower — so you will soon sit the battery in the drone and it's time to think about a soft landing.
In General, how does it fly?
First we need «pair» the remote and copter. For this you must hold down the button with the red lock and turn on the remote, which while a bit popexit (the nature of the squeak depends on the mode ACRO/ANGLE). Further it will be necessary to include the quadrics. Since the switch he has not provided, to do this, just insert the battery until it clicks. If you turn it the first time — don't forget to remove the protective rubber nozzle with contacts inside the housing. It also turns off by pulling the battery. After the start-up Bugs 3 Mini and lots of joyful popiskivanie pulta and copter, you need to calibrate the gyros. To do this, place the aircraft on a horizontal surface and slide both the stick right down. If the backlight is the best front stopped blinking, all you are ready for takeoff.
To run shift left stick down as much as possible and press the button with the lock, the engines are started and you (or rather your copter) is ready for flight. Looking ahead, I will say that lock (disable motors) is done by long pressing the red button, stick height should be in the lower position.
In General, the quadrics really fast. MJX began to save and have equipped it with a powerful brushless motor, and that pleases from the point of view of pilotage, and from the point of view of durability. Even in the «low consumables» B3 Mini very prompt and switch to the high mode makes him a real flirt, able to overcome even a strong enough wind (although there is more it all depends on the skill of the pilot). Controlled copter is too great, the responsiveness of control at a very good level, and the range of the instrument is greater than 200 metres (but slightly less than 300), which is a very decent result for quadric designed to fly «the eye».
Perhaps it is with this copter to me finally fully came the feeling of speed and sense of control, which is necessary for piloting. Of course, ACRO mode is still terra incognita, filled with dragons and accidents, but flying in normal mode, the user named in Angle Mode get any better, even with obstacles and complication «track».
Separately, by the way, I should note the excellent ability to turn flips in the automatic mode, «Mini beetle» tumbles almost on the spot and with almost no loses altitude.
In General, copter MJX have clearly turned the company once again proved that they are able to do not only cheap toys. Of course, to the self-assembled racing models and expensive solutions for many hundreds of bucks Bugs Mini 3 is still far away, but for «advanced Amateur» it's just a great model. To use the term from the world of cameras, I would call this model prosumers the quadcopter.
P. S. the Coupon on the link in $ 20: .
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