CRYPTOMACH / identification of the owners of cryptocurrencies in Russia, Bitcoin 150 thousand and the income of miners


2019-03-10 22:30:12




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CRYPTOMACH / identification of the owners of cryptocurrencies in Russia, Bitcoin 150 thousand and the income of miners Source:

Behind the first full week of spring. For the world of cryptocurrencies it was successful: experts sprinkled bullish forecasts-market economist Niall Ferguson admitted they were wrong about Bitcoin, but Buterin shared by comparing Ethereum and first coins. Spoiled the mood except that of legislative initiative in Russia. Parse the last seven days.


Calculator vs smartphone: acne Buterin compared Bitcoin and Ethereum

Acne Buterin spoke about his vision of the major cryptocurrency projects. In the eyes of a programmer looks like a smartphone. In comparison, except maybe to try the role of the calculator.


Cryptoheros: Bitcoin has every chance to fall to $ 1,000

The Bearish forecasts were also. For example, a trader under the name Financial Survivalism stated rate of Bitcoin is in a long downtrend. The last breakthrough will be a real transition to a bullish trend, but still have to wait. By the way, to change the mood in the market should be ready to the depreciation of BTC to thousands of dollars.


Bitfinex does not allow traders to withdraw funds. Who is to blame?

User cryptocurrency platform Bitfinex complained about the actions of the administration. First, he demanded proof of identity, and then asked to explain the origin of the funds. Since the person under the name DXGao were paid in bitcoins, to do he can not.


Cryptopia earned six weeks after the burglary. What is available to users of the exchange?

Cryptopia revived after almost a month and a half after a hacker attack. earned in read-only mode: users can see their balances and transaction history, but to do with coins can not do anything. Screenshots of the interface running grounds inside.


Logarithmic uptrend: when the Bitcoin price will rise to 150 thousand dollars?

Experts are also pleased and bullish forecasts. According to the trader under the name MagicPoopCanon, most of 2019 Bitcoin will be between 3000 and 5000 dollars. But then downtrend will end and there will be growth. Due to the cyclical uptrend BTC can jump up to 150 thousand dollars.


Waited for: the income of miners of Bitcoin began to rise after six years of recession

Analysts Diar confirmed the fact that the growth of income from Bitcoin mining after their decline to 18-month low. By the way, at the peak of growth coins in December 2017, the owners of ASIC miners earned 951 million dollars.


To what heights you will soar Bitcoin during the next bullrun? The trader

Analyst under the pseudonym TraderScarface remembered the most important "funeral" of Bitcoin in its history. For example, Forbes journalists talked about the end of a coin back in 2011, and Jamie Dimon had predicted a drop to zero in 2018. Instead of the death of the cryptocurrency will be the next bullrun. Its possible framework for BTC — from 102 to 336 thousand dollars.


the Russians will be obliged to undergo identification for operations with cryptocurrencies

Anatoly Aksakov told about new methods of combating money laundering, which affects the cryptocurrency. To transfer funds from the accounts of Russian banks in digital financial assets of residents of Russia will need to obtain a special permit. Otherwise, lovers of the coins can be punished.


Better late than never: a well-known economist has admitted he was wrong about Bitcoin

Niall Ferguson was recognized as one of the most influential people in the world by TIME magazine. Before he thought of cryptocurrencies "error", but now changed my mind.


How many years should the Bitcoin rate is in 50 thousand dollars? Analyst forecast

Another bullish Outlook. Cane Island Crypto analyst predicts the price increase to 50 thousand dollars by 2022, and this level is minimal. By the end of 2019, the rate should jump to $ 7800.


the Founder of OneCoin arrested. "Cryptocurrency" project turned out to be a pyramid

US Authorities arrested the head of the project OneCoin. At the request of law enforcers, he extorted billions of dollars from citizens through pyramid schemes. By the way, representatives of other States warned of the danger in 2016.


Ethereum could bypass Bitcoin next bullrun. Why acne Buterin don't believe in it?

According to the researchers of the Delphi Research, the following bullrun allows Ethereum to outpace Bitcoin. Accordingly, investments in the ETH will bring more money. It is interesting that he Vitalik Buterin such calculations do not agree. He even admits future with BTC at $ 100.


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