Decentralization has become synonymous with the blockchain. Is it really so?


2018-11-09 21:15:09




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Decentralization has become synonymous with the blockchain. Is it really so? Source:

From the definition of the blockchain we can conclude that it is a decentralized Ledger in which information is kept safe and unchanged, using cryptographic encryption and hashing. But in reality, the word "decentralized" for some reason, confined to this definition. Because many different blockchains using centralized mechanisms.

What really then is the decentralization? It only applies to processed data, which are distributed in different places spread across the area?

How decentralized blockchain

As explained by Vitalik Buterin in his blog, decentralization can be considered from three points of view:

      architectural: how many physical computers in the network?
      political: how many persons are controlling these computers?
      logic: are you yourself data structures and interfaces of these systems like a single structure or like Roy?

No one has control over bloccano. And the blockchain infrastructure no Central point that can fail. Therefore, it is politically and architectural decentralized. But logically it is centralized, because it behaves like a single computer.

And even if we accept the above definition, can we call the modern blackany decentralized?
The answer mostly is "no", the reasons are:

      The presence of four computers instead of one is almost always better. But what if all computers have the same defect? All nodes in the blockchain work on one client, and if it found bugs, for some reason, the whole system stops. This puts into question the architectural decentralized blockchains.
      In the blockchain, which uses the mechanism of consensus proof-of-work and in which most of the miners located in the same country, the government can take control of all mining farm for the sake of national security. This scenario poses a threat to the political decentralization of the blockchain.
      Similarly, in the block chain algorithm proof-of-stake, if more than 70% of coins lies on the same exchange, there is a risk of political decentralization.
      Moreover, if the majority of the mining hardware is produced by one company, it can also compromise the political decentralization of the blockchain.

Does this Mean that centralized blackany — is that bad?

Not necessarily. Because different blockchains different goals, and in some cases it is better to remain centralized.

According to the report Cryptoasset Taxonomy, only 16 percent of cryptocurrency is fully decentralized. Other cryptocurrencies either centralized or decentralized half. Only 9 percent of all utilitarian tokens have been successfully decentralized, and only 7 percent of the financial assets among cryptocurrencies born during the ICO, was decentralized. Cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Stellar, the main function of which is to serve as a means of payment, decentralized more than the rest.

But despite the fact that the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was created to become decentralized and to get rid of the control of States, some experts argue that even Bitcoin is not fully decentralized, because most bilinovich miners from China.



Decentralization is a process that goes beyond computers and networks. It affects organizations and individuals. Partial decentralization is now absolutely feasible. But full decentralization to achieve very difficult, and blockchain — anyone — will take time to become fully decentralized, if he is faced with such a task.

Imagine any blockchain in the form of a fruit or flower that has yet to crumble on seeds and pollen to spread to all corners of the earth.


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